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Research Activities

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September 1998, No. 219


About Research Activities

Feature Story

Nearly 9 percent of lab tests commonly performed for hospitalized patients are redundant


   Early tube feeding improves outcomes, shortens hospital stays, and lowers costs for patients undergoing bowel resection
   Better control of postoperative pain may reduce delirium following surgery
   Reseachers examine variations in use of intensive care units

Managed Care
   Researchers identify factors that encourage health plan choice among Medicaid managed care enrollees

Primary Care
   Clinical factors rather than concern about lawsuits usually cause physicians to delay childhood immunizations
   CQI teams and academic detailing are generally ineffective in increasing compliance with guidelines

Access to Care
   Researchers examine equity of access to renal transplants and health status of transplant recipients

Outcomes/Effectiveness Research
   Many victims of major trauma are significantly disabled 6 months after injury
   Survival of extremely small and premature newborns has increased, but one in four or five survivors has a major disability
   Repeat knee replacement surgery is uncommon

Elderly Health/Long-term Care
   Elderly and disabled people with psychiatric problems are less satisfied with health care than others
   Use of restraints in nursing homes depends in part on the number of residents and the nurse-resident ratio
   Age and severity of urine loss most affect quality of life among older adults with incontinence

Dental Research
   Malpractice laws have mixed effects on dental practices

   AHCPR announces availability of new software for use in assessing and improving health care quality
   AHCPR publishes PORT final report on ischemic heart disease
   AHCPR announces new U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
   New projects funded

Research Briefs
   Health services data sources in the U.S.
   Small area estimation
   How to use a review article: Prophylactic endoscopic sclerotherapy for esophageal varices
   A classification tree analysis of selection for discretionary treatment
   Estimating the effect of zidovudine on Kaposi's sarcoma from observational data using a rank preserving structural failure-time model
   Antilymphocyte antibodies, renal transplantation, and meta-analysis
   Evaluating health status of elderly Chinese in Boston
   The primary care assessment survey: Tests of data quality and measurement performance
   Generic versus disease-specific health status measures

The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care