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Research Activities

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July 2002, No. 263


About Research Activities

Feature Story

Task Force urges clinicians and patients to discuss pros and cons of taking prescription medicines to reduce breast cancer risk

Women's Health

Improvement in urinary incontinence seen after hysterectomy for noncancerous conditions
Differences between men and women in heart attack treatments and outcomes are not explained by insurance status
Assessment tool helps counselors work more effectively with victims of domestic violence

Clinical Decisionmaking

Selective rather than routine urine testing finds most urinary tract infections in very young infants with fever
New computerized decision aids improve ED triage of chest pain patients
Researchers compare options for prostheses for patients who need hip replacement surgery

Primary Care Research

Cancer patients' satisfaction with primary care pain management hinges on the doctor-patient relationship

Evidence-Based Medicine

Local circumstances dictate how scientific evidence is translated into medical practice

Patient Safety/Medical Errors

Medical schools and residency programs should provide more training on preventing adverse drug reactions
Telling patients about mistakes made in their care is the right thing to do and may reduce lawsuits
Focusing on medical injuries instead of medical errors may be one way to improve patient safety

Health Care Costs and Financing

Experience in Florida SCHIP may provide lessons for other States' reenrollment requirements
Researchers examine poor children's access to public insurance coverage and health care
People vary in what they look for when choosing a health plan
Patients suffering from depression often overestimate their insurance coverage for mental health services
Fee-for-service Medicare plans offer better quality care than Medicare HMO plans, but costs are higher
Researchers examine impact of managed care on the U.S. health care system, local health care markets, and specialty care

Disparities/Minority Health

Even with insurance, elderly Hispanics undergo far fewer hip replacement operations than older non-Hispanic whites
People who have experienced discrimination in the past may be more reluctant to be put on kidney transplant lists
AHRQ initiatives focus on understanding and reducing racial/ethnic disparities in health and health care

HIV/AIDS Research

HIV diagnosis may increase opportunities for medical interactions and interventions, including mammography
HCSUS studies examine the impact of rural location, insurance, and physician expertise on HIV/AIDS care

Agency News and Notes

AHRQ awards contracts for new round of Evidence-Based Practice Centers
Case studies show how AHRQ research helps State governments


AHRQ puts the latest hospital care data on the WEB
Workshop for researchers to focus on geographic methods and measurement

Research Briefs

Current as of July 2002
AHRQ Publication No. 02-0034

The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care