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Statement on President Obama's Speech on the Gulf Coast Oil Spill

“The tragedy in the Gulf Coast has affected us all. Our anger and frustration over the devastation matches the force of the oil gushing from the well. Our hearts go out to the families of those whose lives were lost and those whose livelihoods are in jeopardy. President Obama gave a comprehensive accounting for the response to the spill thus far, the plans for recovery and restoration, and the changes necessary to prevent future disasters.

The President also affirmed his commitment to reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and developing clean energy policies that will enhance our nation's security, our planet's sustainability, and our children's future. These goals can only be achieved with a system that reduces our greenhouse gas emissions by putting a price on carbon.

BP must be held accountable and the culture of corporate irresponsibility must end. Government, industry, and the American people all have a role to play in resolving the immediate crisis and setting us on a safer, more sustainable path.”