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    Articles & Publications
  • Current Dairy Pipeline - Volume 20, Number 4
    What's Inside:
    - Confronting the challenge of low salt cheese
    - Milk Markets and More
    - News from CDR
    - Curd Clinic
  • What can farmstead or small cheese plants do with the whey generated during cheesemaking? A new study published by Dr. Bill Wendorff, professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin, provides some new insight into this age-old question with a concise, easy-to-read, 20-page publication.
  • The Dried Dairy Ingredient Handbook is designed to be an easy to use, quick source of information on the wide range of ingredients that can be made from milk and whey. The Handbook is intended only as a guide to dairy ingredients. Product manufacturing methods, composition and specifications will vary between producers. The guide describes what is typical for products. Download The Dried Dairy Ingredient Handbook.
  • Use of Cold Microfiltration Retentates Produced with Polymeric Membranes for Standardization of Milks for Manufacture of Pizza Cheese
    S. Govindasamy-Lucey, J. J. Jaeggi, M. E. Johnson, T. Wang, and J. A. Lucey
    J. Dairy Sci. 2007 90: 4552-4568
  • Updated Wisconsin Master Cheesemaker Program Brochure
  • Science Behind Reported Benefits of Organic Milk
    Rusty Bishop, PhD, Center Director
  • Effect of Type of Concentrated Sweet Cream Buttermilk on the Manufacture, Yield, and Functionality of Pizza Cheese
    S. Govindasamy-Lucey, T. Lin, J. J. Jaeggi, C. J. Martinelli, M. E. Johnson, and J. A. Lucey
    J. Dairy Sci. 2007;90 2675-2688
  • UW Dairy Alert - A Technical Update for Dairy Product Manufacturers Wastewater Volume-How do we compare?

    Short Courses
  • Wisconsin Process Cheese Short Course ,February 24-25, 2009
  • Wisconsin Cheese Technology Short Course, March 23-27, 2009
  • The World of Cheese Education from Pasture to Plate, May 3-7
  • Calendar- Short Courses for the Dairy Industry July 2008 - June 2009, Babcock Hall, UW-Madison

  • WI Cheese Industry Conference April 22-23, 2009
    Join more than 1200 cheese industry leaders from around the nation on April 22-23 at the Wisconsin Cheese Industry Conference held at the La Crosse Center (La Crosse, WI). Gain information about the latest in cheese technology, product marketing and dairy issues affecting our industry.
    The conference, co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association and the Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research, opens Wednesday morning, April 22 with a general session featuring Keynote speaker Dr. Lowell Catlett, followed by an afternoon tabletop mini-exposition and an evening of fun at the Champion Cheese auction. Thursday, April 23 features two sessions sponsored by WCDR - "Solving the Cheese Defect Puzzle" during the morning CDR cheese technology update; and during the afternoon whey technology update - "The Latest Insights Related to Bioactive Components in Whey and Their Potential Health Benefits" by Bruce German, University of California-Davis, Nestle Research Center. The conference closes Thursday evening with the United States Champion Cheese Contest Reception and Awards Banquet.
    For more information, visit the WCMA website at
  • Students with UW ties sweep the dairy foods contest
    Congratulations to the Food Science graduate students who won the Dairy Foods section of the graduate student paper contest. The contest was part of the 2008 ADSA®-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting held this year in Indianapolis. First place winner Eileen Salim worked with John Lucey comparing emulsifiers in cheese and their effect on functionality. CDR�fs cheese group also assisted with this project, which focused on developing a low fat mozzarella cheese.
    The winners of the 2008 Graduate Student Paper Presentation Contest in Dairy Foods Research are:
    1st Place: Eileen Salim, University of Wisconsin, Madison
    2nd Place: Mateo Budinich, University of Wisconsin, Madison
    3rd Place: Elizabeth P. Briczinski, a graduate of Penn State and now a lecturer at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Access the International Cheese Technology Exposition 2008 presentations

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