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Baldwin Acts To Help Family Farmers

Washington, DC -In her ongoing efforts to establish permanent Bankruptcy protection for family farmers, Representative Tammy Baldwin today took procedural action in the House of Representatives to force a vote on bringing forward Chapter 12 legislation. Republicans who have refused to move permanent Chapter 12 legislation forward narrowly defeated the vote, held this morning.

"Mr. Speaker, it is evident that we will not see comprehensive bankruptcy reform this session," said Rep. Baldwin from the House floor. "Like the last 5 years, it is stalled. We have broad agreement that making Chapter 12 farmer and fisherman bankruptcy protection permanent is a good idea and good public policy."

Bankruptcy generally requires sale of assets rather than reorganization of debts to pay off creditors. For family farmers, this would mean that their farm equipment and other assets often would have to be sold, and they would lose their farm. Chapter 12 allows these family farmers to keep essential farm assets and reorganize their debts, allowing them to keep the farm.

Rep. Baldwin used a procedural move today to force a vote on bringing forward the Chapter 12 permanency legislation. The vote narrowly failed with 208 members voting against and 199 in favor. While both Democrats and Republicans largely agree making Chapter 12 permanent is important, the legislation has been stalled due to differences over whether the legislation should be voted on alone or should be part of a larger bankruptcy bill, currently stalled in the House.

"The family farmer is being held hostage by Representatives who would rather use Chapter 12 as a bargaining chip to try to pass a larger bankruptcy bill," said Rep. Baldwin. "This shouldn't be about trying to win votes, this should be about protecting family farmers and making sure that the family farmer has a future in America."

While Rep. Baldwin's effort to make Chapter 12 permanent failed, she feels confident that her efforts will ultimately be successful. "I will be working every day that I am in Congress to pass Chapter 12 and protect the family farm," said Rep. Baldwin. "We still have my stand alone Chapter 12 legislation and other opportunities to move this bill. I'm going to make this as uncomfortable as possible for those that refuse to help family farmers. This legislation has to pass, and I am not going to stop fighting for it until it does."

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