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Security Forces Specialist


Minimum Education Requirement:
High school diploma or GED with 15 college credits


high school graduategeneralenlistedweaponry & materiellawemergency management & response

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Security Forces Specialist

Career Description

The basic goal of a Security Forces Specialist is pretty simple — protect the people, property and resources of the U.S. Air Force. Accomplishing this goal requires extensive training in law enforcement and combat tactics since Security Forces Specialists work both stateside on bases and overseas where they can go on patrols off base. This is a physically and mentally demanding career requiring highly focused and professional individuals.

Career Tasks

  • Ensure the safety of all base weapons, property and personnel from hostile forces
  • Direct vehicle and pedestrian traffic on base
  • Conduct investigations into any on-base incidents
  • You will be involved in team patrol movements, tactical drills, battle procedures and military operations other than war
  • Apprehend and detain suspects, secure crime scenes and testify in judicial proceedings

Relevant Interests & Skills

  • Weaponry and Materiel
  • Law
  • Emergency Management and Response


After eight-and-a-half weeks of Basic Military Training, every Airman goes to technical training to learn their career. Here's the basic information about Security Forces Specialist technical training:

School location: Lackland AFB [TX]

Length of course: 65 days

College degree earned: Criminal Justice

College credits earned: 17