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  • Polis Startup Act 2.0 Will Reboot Colorado Job Creation
    Jun 6, 2012  - With job creation and helping small businesses grow his top priorities, Congressman Jared Polis today joined with a bipartisan House coalition to introduce the Startup Act 2.0 – a bill targeted at encouraging startup companies to grow and succeed. "Colorado needs more jobs now, which means we should... More
  • Delay of SOPA, PIPA Welcome News for Internet Freedom
    Jan 20, 2012  - Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) released the following statement on news that the markup of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Senate’s consideration of the Protect IP Act (PIPA) will be delayed. “This is welcome news for Americans who care about job creation and preserving free speech on the ... More
  • Statement on Wikipedia, Google’s SOPA Protest
    Jan 18, 2012  - Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) released the following statement on Wikipedia and Google’s blackout today in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which threatens to undermine innovation and job creation on the Internet while failing to effectively combat piracy of intellectual property. Poli... More
  • An Interview With Rep. Jared Polis: Why We Need To Stop SOPA
    Jan 18, 2012  - All across the internet today, websites have gone dark to protest two bills in congress that aim at cracking down on online piracy. However, these bills – SOPA in the House and PIPA in the Sen... More
  • Protect Internet Freedom
    Jan 18, 2012  - Mr. Speaker, today many Web sites across the Internet, from Reddit to Wikipedia, have blacked out their sites in protest of a bill before this body, the Stop Online Piracy Act, and its accompanying bill in the Senate, the PIPA Act. These bills threaten free discourse, free speech, and the very infra... More
  • Polis Fights to Protect CU, CSU from Costs of Policing the Internet
    Dec 15, 2011  - Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) today offered an amendment during the House Judiciary Committee’s consideration of an Internet piracy bill that would have protected colleges, universities and non-profit research institutions from compliance costs related to policing copyright protect content. The leg... More
  • Celebrating Computer Science Education Week
    Dec 6, 2011  - Madam Speaker, I rise today to speak in support of Computer Science Education Week, which started this past Sunday, December 4, 2011, and runs through Saturday, December 10. This week-long celebration of the teaching and learning of computer science is a call to share information and host activities... More
  • Polis Statement on Bipartisan, Bicameral SOPA Alternative
    Dec 2, 2011  - Today Reps. Jared Polis (D-CO), Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA) and Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) released the following statements regarding the legislative framework they developed with House and Senate colleagues to address the problem of copyright and trademark infringement perpetrated by websites operating outside t... More
  • Computer Science Bill Will Prepare Students for High Tech, High Wage Jobs
    Sep 22, 2011  - With the need to strengthen the American economy at the top of their agendas, Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) and Senator Robert Casey (D-PA) today introduced the Computer Science Education Act, which will help prepare Americans for the more than 1.5 million high-wage computing jobs that are expected... More
  • Opposing Underming Network Neutrality Regulations, H.J. Res. 37
    Apr 5, 2011  - Today with our economy only beginning to recover, I believe that this rule and the underlying bill will imperil one of the greatest sources of job creation and innovation in America: the Internet. Now over the past 15 years, the Internet has created more than 3 million jobs, according to a study by ... More
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