Thursday, September 30, 2010

Energy Awareness

To the Airmen of the United States Air Force:

     The Air Force is engaged in a long-term effort to improve our Nation's energy security through energy efficiency and conservation. We have made solid progress in these areas over the past year, but our work is far from done. In order to meet our strategic energy goals, we must continue to instill energy efficiency and conservation into our daily routines within our aviation and our installation communities.

    October is the federal government's Energy Awareness Month; appropriately timed with the start: of a new fiscal year. This year's Air Force theme is "A New Culture: Energy as an Operations Enabler." This theme highlights the ties between energy and mission success by raising awareness of the energy costs associated with our daily activities. As such, we must continue to emphasize the pillars of the Air Force's Energy Plan: Reducing Demand, Increasing Supply, and Changing Our Culture.

     Achieving our energy goals requires sustained effort, a systematic approach, determined leadership, and a firm commitment from all of us to identify and implement workable soIutions. You are an integral part of this effort. Through commitment, innovation, teamwork, and discipline, we will free up funding for other Air Force priorities and enhance our energy security.

     Thank you for all you do for our Air Force and for our Nation.


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