Congressman Doc Hastings

Serving Central Washington

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  • Constituent Services are Part of the Job
    Oct 5, 2012  - I recognize that navigating federal agencies can often be challenging. As Central Washington’s Representative in Congress, one of my highest priorities is providing service and assistance to the people from my district. Being in a position to help Central Washington residents is the most rewarding p... More
  • Agriculture Spotlight: Hops
    Sep 28, 2012  - With the start of Oktoberfest, people around the world will gather to celebrate the craft of brewing beer. While the tradition of Oktoberfest originated in Munich, Germany, today Central Washington plays a key role in this celebration. 78 percent of the hops – which are a key ingredient in flavoring... More
  • The 225th Anniversary of the Constitution
    Sep 21, 2012  - On September 17, 1787, the United States Constitution was signed at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. This month marks the 225th anniversary of this landmark moment in American history when delegates at the Constitutional Convention joined together to form “a more perfect Union.” The Constitution r... More
  • An Opportunity for Students to Apply for Military Academy Nominations
    Sep 14, 2012  - Our nation owes a debt of gratitude to all of those who choose to serve in the armed services. It’s the work of these men and women that protect the freedoms and values upon which the United States was founded. One of the keys to maintaining the best military in the world is attracting the highest c... More
  • Remember 9/11, Preparing for the Future
    Sep 7, 2012  - Eleven years ago, 2,977 innocent people were killed in the largest terrorist attack on U.S. soil in our great nation’s history. The vivid memory of September 11, 2001 serves as a reminder that there are those out there who would risk everything to attack our very way of life. I believe that the sing... More
  • Around Central Washington
    Aug 31, 2012  - Most of the year, Members of Congress must travel to Washington, DC to vote on important issues. In August Congress is out of session and not voting, which gives Members of Congress an opportunity to meet with constituents to get their view on issues of local and national importance. I’d like to sha... More
  • Back to School Time in Central Washington
    Aug 24, 2012  - As the fun-filled days of summer vacation draw to a close, teachers and students across Central Washington are heading back into the classroom to hit the books and start a brand new school year. I often meet with local teachers, administrators, parents, and students on ways we can better serve child... More
  • Preserving our Dams, Protecting our Way of Life
    Aug 17, 2012  - It is easy to forget how important the dams are to our everyday lives in the Pacific Northwest. Without these dams, our energy bills would be higher, the Columbia Basin wouldn’t have the thousands of acres of green fields and orchards that feed millions of people around the world, and it would be mo... More
  • Congressional Mailbag
    Aug 10, 2012  - Each month I receive thousands of emails, phone calls and letters on a variety of topics. I wanted to share a few questions that I recently received. What is being done to help create jobs and promote business in the United States? After 42 straight months with the unemployment rate above eight per... More
  • The Olympics – American Pride on Display
    Aug 3, 2012  - Every two years, the world sets aside individual differences and convenes on the common ground of sport. Spectators around the world are inspired by young men and women representing their country and want nothing more than to hear their country’s national anthem played while they stand on the medal ... More