
Each Gender is a Gift

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Washington, Jun 7 - Last week, I was proud to vote to protect the unborn by supporting a ban on gender-based abortions. My friend and colleague, Trent Franks, of Arizona, sponsored the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, or PRENDA. I was proud to sign on as a cosponsor of this legislation, shortly after introduction in the House.

While gendercide – the selection of baby boys over baby girls – seems most apparent in foreign lands like China and India, there’s no law preventing abortions in the U.S. based on gender. Data shows that it’s little girls that needs protecting, but to me, this bill is common sense to protect both genders.

I’m a mother of three biological girls and two biological boys and I know that each gender is a gift from God. I was also a foster mom to 23 beautiful girls. Every single life has worth. On the day of the PRENDA vote, I was reminded again of the precious people going through foster care as the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth – which I co-chair in the House – hosted 40 foster youth to shadow members of Congress on the Hill and to share their stories of perseverance and overcoming adversity. Every single person, regardless of gender, deserves a chance at life.

It is encouraging that the vote on PRENDA was bipartisan. And really that’s no surprise when you consider that nearly 9 out of 10 Americans oppose sex-selection abortions. But unfortunately, PRENDA didn’t reach the votes needed to pass under suspension (246 yeas to 168 nays was not enough to reach a 2/3 majority). Despite this vote not passing out of the House this time, the fight for life is far from over. As long as babies are being aborted, we will stand for life.

We must support a culture of life – promoted in our founding document – the Declaration of Independence. We are created equal. We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

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