Press Releases

Rep. Young Comments on Approval of Shell’s Spill Response Plan

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Washington D.C., Feb 17 -

Alaskan Congressman Don Young released the following statement today in response to the Department of Interior’s approval of Shell’s Chukchi Sea Oil Response Plan:

“This is great news for the state of Alaska especially at a time when we need additional oil flowing in the pipeline more than ever. The Chukchi Sea has the ability to create thousands of high-paying jobs, decrease our dependence on foreign oil and most importantly get this economy moving again. Shell has worked with both the state of Alaska and Federal Government to ensure their spill prevention plan is adequate should a spill occur. Today’s approval by the Interior Department is especially promising because it represents one of the final steps prior to Shell drilling its first well in the Chukchi Sea.

“Alaska is ready, the Coast Guard says it’s ready and now Shell is ready; let’s start developing – this summer - the resources in the Arctic for the good of this nation.”

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