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Recently in National Programs

Boys and Girls Club of America

Why is this a good use of taxpayers' dollars:

Funding will support operations of existing Boys and Girls Clubs of America, strengthen national and Michigan programs and expand programs into distressed communities. The Boys and Girls Clubs of America provide a safe, constructive and fun after school environment designed to help youth develop the life long tools for success. Funding specifically allows the Clubs to provide vital gang, drug and alcohol prevention programs, education and computer literacy as well arts, sports and leadership programs for young people 6-18 years of age.

Education for Democracy Act

Why is this a good use of taxpayers' dollars:

The Education for Democracy Act supports programs that educate students in every state, including throughout Michigan, about the fundamental ideals of our nation and also help emerging democracies to establish a political culture supportive of democratic values, principles and institutions.

National Writing Project

Why is this a good use of taxpayers' dollars:

The National Writing Project supports a national infrastructure of more than 200 writing project sites, including 11 in Michigan, that provide their regional and local schools and teaching communities with high-quality professional development to improve the teaching of writing.

Reach Out and Read

Why is this a good use of taxpayers' dollars:

Reach Out and Read promotes literacy and language development in infants and young children, targeting disadvantaged children and families, at sites around the country, including throughout Michigan.  Documentation clearly demonstrates the importance of promoting early language and literacy skills so that children have the essential reading skills to begin school successfully.  Yet today, a large number of children do not receive the necessary support and assistance to develop these skills and begin kindergarten read to learn.