
Contact: Dave Dziok 202-225-2331

Bachmann Supports Homeland Security Policy to Help Haitian Orphans

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Washington, D.C., Jan 19, 2010 - U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN-06) today expressed support for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano’s announcement of a humanitarian parole policy for certain Haitian orphans:

“One week ago, the world focused its attention on the small country of Haiti.  As reports of massive destruction rolled in, none of us were prepared for the images of schools, hospitals and neighborhoods crumpled by an earthquake.  Thankfully, the stories of life saving rescue operations and relief pouring into Haiti have been numerous, and part of the United States’ relief effort makes today a very joyous day for hundreds of Haitian children. With the State Department designating humanitarian parole to orphans in Haiti, new lives and new hopes await these children in America as part of a family,” Bachmann said. 

Humanitarian parole will be applied individually to children who would not yet be admissible to the United States under normal circumstances.  But due to the urgent humanitarian crisis in Haiti, children in the final stages or facing imminent adoption into an American family will be allowed to complete the process in the United States.

“As a foster mother, I know these children will flourish and contribute to their families in a way one can never imagine, and I cannot express enough gratitude to the people that have opened their homes and hearts to the children of Haiti.  Thank you for your selfless decision to adopt a child, especially one that is in such desperate need for safety and reassurance.  The futures of these children are significantly brighter because of your compassion and dedication. We are all praying for God’s blessings on these families.”

Read the DHS statement here.


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