DoD Insourcing Initiative Clearinghouse

On April 6, 2009, while introducing the FY 2010 Department of Defense budget, Secretary Gates announced an initiative to re-balance the Department's workforce and reduce reliance on contracted services, while increasing government performance, oversight & control of critical functions.  This includes focusing on contracted work that is inherently governmental, closely associated with inherently governmental, or otherwise exempted from private sector performance (to mitigate risk, ensure continuity of operations, build internal capacity, meet readiness needs, etc.).

Referred to as "in-sourcing", the Department’s efforts are consistent with the Department's Congressionally mandated requirements under the Fiscal Year 2008 National Defense Authorization Act, as well as President Obama's call for government contracting reform in his March 4, 2009 memorandum.

"In-sourcing" is defined as the conversion of any currently contracted service or function to DoD civilian or military performance, or a combination thereof. The Department conducts in-sourcing from a total force perspective, strategically assessing contracted services as part of its requirements determination process. The in-sourcing initiative does not target individual private sector companies or employees and is a collaborative effort across the Department's core lines of business, bringing together key stakeholders from the personnel, financial management, acquisition, manpower, and various support communities.

The Department is committed to utilizing in-sourcing, consistent with its statutory obligations under Title 10 of United States Code, as one tool to:

  • Reduce reliance on contracted services;
  • Appropriately realign inherently governmental and critical work from the private sector to government performance;
  • Generate efficiencies and savings; and
  • Ensure the Department has the necessary capabilities and skills to meet it missions.

This website has been established to provide a central repository for information related to the Department's in-sourcing initiative; to communicate relevant policy, guidance and information; and further the Administration's goals for transparency in government.

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