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House Committee on Natural Resources
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  1. Check out this new series highlighting the Obama Administration's roadblocks to American energy development. Today's topic is roadblocks to offshore drilling. Click here to read more:
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    •  BREAKING NEWS United States Virgin Islands Joint Board of Elections (VIBOE) Chairman defiantly tells public, law enforcement, and America in so many words, “HE’S ABOVE THE LAW”. Chairman Rupert Ross now admits over the public airwaves that he’s aware that the existing VIBOE voting machines are not Election Assistance Commission (EAC) certified. He then goes on to state, with no authority of law, that those voting machines will be use during the November 2012 (local/federal) General election. Chairman Ross issues these statements with full knowledge that Virgin Islands Code, Title 18, prohibits him from taking such illegal action to corrupt the 2012 elections results: “only those voting machines and equipment that are EAC certified pursuant to The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA), Public Law 107-252, for Primary, General and Special elections SHALL BE UTILIZED as the OFFICIAL VOTING SYSTEMS or equipment” To make matters worse, Chairman Ross illegal action also violates Federal law. United States Code, Title 42 – The Public Health and Welfare – Chapter 146 – Election Administration Improvement – Subchapter III – Uniform and Nondiscriminatory Election Technology and Administration Requirements – Part A – Requirements - §15481. Voting systems standards (6) Uniform definition of what constitutes a vote: “Each State shall adopt uniform and nondiscriminatory standards that define what constitutes a vote and what will be counted as a vote for each category of voting system used in the State.” Virgin Islands Code has adopted uniform and nondiscriminatory standards that only EAC certified voting systems/equipment SHALL be utilized as its official voting systems or equipment. These EAC certified system/equipment will be used to count votes and results. Joining the circus is outgoing Senator Usie Richards who attempts to justify the outlawed voting system by suggesting that it was the intent of the 29th Legislature 10 months ago in December 2011 to permit non-certified voting machines to be used during the 2012 elections. What the senator conveniently left out of his statement was him and Chairman Ross had more than sufficient time to have the law amended to reflect the legislature alleged intention. Senator Richards also did not mention that the only LEGAL recourse that Chairman Ross and the VIBOE had was to get a court of competent jurisdiction to issue an order permitting those outlawed voting machines to be used during the 2012 elections. Here is Virgin Islands Code, Title 18 that Senator Richards withheld from the public: § 6. Amendment during election year “No amendments to this title shall be enacted by the Legislature in the period of six (6) months immediately preceding the date of a general election except in compliance with an order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.” The burden is not on the public to prevent Chairman Rupert Ross and the Virgin Islands Joint Board of Elections from utilizing outlawed voting machines during the 2012 elections. The burden is on Chairman Ross and the election system to get the proper legal authority to deploy the outlawed voting system. Chairman Ross has made it very clear that he believes that “HE’S ABOVE THE LAW” because those outlawed voting machines were already used during the Primary election in September 2012. It is time for the United States Attorney General and the Virgin Islands Attorney General to take legal action because Chairman Ross has clearly stated he will violate the law AGAIN! Let us not forget that U.S. Assistant Attorney General Ronald Sharpe has taken recent court action in September 2012 and got an Consent Decree against the Virgin Islands Joint Board of Election for violating military service members voting rights under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) as amended by the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE Act). The Elections Assistance Commission is also withholding Help America Vote Act funding from the Virgin Islands Board of Elections for violating the American Disabilities Act (ADA). This entire matter is now a Homeland Security issue because American democracy in the United States Virgin Islands is being threatened by very lawless government officials.
      October 25 at 11:31am
    • Marge O'Connor
      It's understandable that these actions are applauded by some and deplored by others. Yet, important that those applauding understand the cost to the country in job loss and national debt.
      October 1 at 9:19pm
    • Janice Hicks
      September 24 at 7:37am
    • Janice Hicks
      Grand Traverse County , Michigan , electric companies are putting huge , 69,000 volts sub-stations right next to low income housing projects, fire stations, police stations, Cell Towers next to daycares, school football fields with football field lights on the 'light up the businesses downtown , to accomdate again business's, who use much more than one resident does, and also , they give business's a refund if they use alot , where they don;t give the residents a utiility refund from our 'co-ops" .....see how they are....the residents are having to pay for $5 million of gov buildings , substations so the business's can prosper use tons more than we do and get a refund at the end of the year......Does anyone see the unfairness of this ???????????
      September 24 at 7:36am
    • Janice Hicks
       Coal isn't killing us , its EMF WIFI" Pollution read this": The FCC needs to change the top limit on WIFI SMART METERS being put on peoples homes. The limit is set at 600 megahertz, Each meter is 60 mhz. Apt dewellers and elderly with pacemakers, and infants sleeping next to the wall where even one meter is place, can have their DNA unraveled and cause cancer of the brain. There are many Electro-magnetic M.D.s now one is Karl Metz. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO EARTH’S NATURAL MAGNETISM? We have discovered ways to produce strong (man-made) electromagnetic waves at frequencies from below 1 hertz to greater than 50 gigahertz (1 GHz is 1,000,000,000 Hz.) Fortunately, only the low frequencies tend to be most harmful to people, plants and animals. Unfortunately, studies have shown that living near high-power lines creates life-threatening problems. In a research report in the American Journal of Epidemiology by Nancy Wertheimer, PhD, and Ed Leeper, PhD, they concluded that children living in homes near overhead electrical wires carrying high current died of cancer at twice the rate as children living in homes near low-current wiring. A Swedish researcher at a conference held by the U.S. Department of Energy reported a link between cancer and power lines. The Department of Health has issued guidelines on the amount of time technicians may work on rooftops where radiating devices are located. Talk to medical personnel and they will tell you of increased mental problems observed Smart Meter Health Complaints Around the world where smart meters are being installed, people are reporting symptoms of microwave (RF) sickness. It is estimated that 5% of people will be have immediate adverse health effects and another 10% will experience symptoms over time. The remaining 85% are at greater risk for cancer, autoimmune disease, bone loss, Alzheimer’s, and a host of other chronic disease conditions. Below is a list of symptoms of acute EMF exposure sometimes called RF (radio frequency) sickness or electrical hypersensitivity. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may wish to consider if you are living, working, or visiting in an area where smart meters have been installed. You may also wish to pay attention to your exposure to WIFI, cell phones, and cordless p... See More Smart Meter Health Complaints « Stop KIUC Smart Meters! As the smart meter roll out continues on Kauai, more and more people are experiencing symptoms from pulsed microwaves and dirty el Mobile phone radiation and health - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The effect of mobile phone radiation on human health is the subject of recent interest and study, as a result of the enormous increase in mobile phone usage throughout the We Are EMR Guinea Pigs A global "Smart Grid" program is being implemented which is blasting homes and businesses with more electromagnetic radiation than human beings have ever bee...
      11 · September 24 at 7:00am
  3. In case you missed it: Watch Representative Jeff Denham's interview on FOX Business' Money with Melissa Francis. Rep. Denham discussed the need to cut regulatory burdens and expand America's domestic energy production to lower gas prices and create jobs here at home.

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