America's military installations, including their associated environment, have many purposes. They must sustain the regular forward and home station presence of U.S. forces as well as provide support in training and deployment to meet the Nation's need in periods of crisis, contingency, and combat.

Basing Directorate

Twelve Department of Defense installations reach full operational capability in support of the joint basing program

Established by a recommendation of the 2005 Base Closure and Realignment Commission, twelve installations met full operational capability (FOC) as part of the Department's overall joint basing program.

The joint basing program represents the Department of Defense (DoD) efforts to optimize the delivery of installation support across the services. Within DoD, installations use military, civilians, and contractors to perform common installation management and support functions. All installations execute these functions using relatively similar processes.

The BRAC Report created 12 joint bases from 26 service installations that were in close proximity or shared a boundary. DoD developed common output level standards (COLS) to provide common output or performance level standards for installation support. The framework of COLS will provide a common language to serve as a basis for (1) developing common output levels for each function of installation support at joint bases and (2) developing service-wide capability-based planning models for all installation support functions.

Both common standards and the opportunity for the services to optimize installation management at joint bases will provide a learning environment for developing efficient methods of installation support throughout the Department.

The Department expects to begin to realize efficiencies in the next 2-3 years as commanders find opportunities for consolidation and streamlining of installation support processes.

List of Joint Bases