February 3, 2011
How do Government Regulations Affect Your Business? We’re Listening

In his State of the Union Address, President Obama highlighted the importance of making America a better place to do…

January 25, 2011
Do the Right Thing, Right Now, on D.C. Opportunity Scholarships

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, introduced a bill this week to reauthorize the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, a successful education…

January 14, 2011
A Federal Carrot and Stick to Ease the Public Pension Crisis

The growing crisis of public-sector employee pension liabilities is a complex web of legal loopholes, questionable funding formulas and benefit…

December 6, 2010
Less Privacy, No Added Security

The role that government regulation plays in our daily lives is ever increasing, but it grew dramatically over the Thanksgiving…

November 27, 2010
Reclaiming the Right to Oversight

In his January 1989 farewell address to the nation, President Reagan warned, “Man is not free unless government is limited….

October 10, 2010
How Oversight Should Work

Earlier this year, the Congressional Research Service released a report underscoring the important function that congressional oversight plays in working…

October 7, 2010
White House Records in the Facebook Era

Advances in technology have brought new transparency to our democracy. Americans can interact with federal officials in real time. Citizens…

October 6, 2010
Time for a Hiring Freeze

While millions of Americans struggle to find work, the federal civilian workforce has prospered. Federal employees’ salaries and benefits have…

September 30, 2010
Creating Jobs: Regulatory Tsunami Impeding Economic Growth

One of the greatest myths in American politics is that one person can create jobs. Sure, when the economy is…

September 28, 2010
Congress Must Oversee Executive Branch

The unparalleled encroachment of the federal government in the private sector and the lives of individual Americans that began during…

  • Subcommittee on Federal Workforce


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