United States House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary
  Press Releases  

Dems Defy Will of American Poeple: Push for Amnesty

For Immediate Release
December 08, 2010
Contact: Kimberly Smith
Communications Director

Dems Defy Will of American Poeple: Push for Amnesty

Washington, D.C. – House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Lamar Smith (R-Texas) issued the following statement in response to plans by House Democrats to bring up the DREAM Act.

Ranking Member Smith:  “Despite large majorities in both Houses, Democrats are scrambling to find votes for the DREAM Act, a bill that would give amnesty to at least two million illegal immigrants. The bill subsidizes education for illegal immigrants, grants them amnesty, encourages more illegal immigration and inevitably takes jobs from American workers. In short, the DREAM Act is a nightmare for the American people. 

“The decision to bring this bill to the floor is contrary to common sense.  Just last week, the Department of Labor reported that unemployment for American workers has risen to 9.8%.  So what do Democrats propose we do to address unemployment?  Add another two million workers to the legal workforce, increasing competition for already scarce jobs.

“Democrats decision to bring this bill to the floor defies the will of the American people. Last month, American voters overwhelmingly rejected the big government, big spending policies of the Democratic-controlled Congress.  But according to the Congressional Budget Office, the DREAM Act will cost between $5 billion and $20 billion in the years following 2020. And the American taxpayers will be forced to foot the bill.

“The DREAM Act debate underscores the great divide between liberal Democrats and the American people.  American voters want economic growth, not a ballooning federal government that continues to drive up the deficit.  They want policies that generate jobs, not more competition from those who came to the U.S. illegally. And American voters want to see our immigration laws enforced, not ignored. 

“The DREAM Act is a slap in the face to the American people.  Instead of listening to voters, Democrats are simply pushing harder for the same failed policies that led to high unemployment, slow economic growth and record deficits.  It’s time for Democrats to pack up and go home.  The Republican-led 112th Congress is ready to listen to the American people and ready to lead this country back toward prosperity.”  

Background on the DREAM Act:

  1. The DREAM Act gives illegal immigrants amnesty, encourages more illegal immigration and inevitably takes jobs from American workers. 
  2. Estimates that the bill only applies to 875,000 illegal immigrants are misleading.  
  3. According to the Migration Policy Institute, an estimate two million illegal immigrants will be eligible for amnesty under this bill.
  4. Once amnesty recipients become citizens and turn 21, they can sponsor their illegal immigrant parents for legalization.  
  5. This kind of chain migration only encourages more illegal immigration, as parents will bring their children to the U.S. in hopes of receiving citizenship.
  6. The bill also is a magnet for fraud. Many illegal immigrants will falsely claim that they arrived in the U.S. before age 16.
  7. Once an application is filed, no matter how fraudulent, the federal government is prohibited from deporting the applicant. 
  8. Meanwhile, they will be given work authorization to compete for jobs with the 9.8% of Americans who are currently unemployed. 





