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USACEHR - News and Media - June 2009 - Development of New Toxicity Sensor for Field Water Approved

Development of New Toxicity Sensor for Field Water Approved

March 2009

Development of New Toxicity Sensor for Field Water ApprovedThe second increment of the Environmental Sentinel Biomonitor (ESB) system received Milestone A approval in March 2009, thus initiating research to develop and evaluate candidate technologies to provide toxicity sensor capabilities for evaluating field water supplies as a component addition to the Water Quality Analysis Set-Preventive Medicine. The increment 2 ESB system will provide increased field portability compared with increment 1 while maintaining the rapid response capabilities of increment 1 to toxic chemicals in water. The increment 2 ESB system is scheduled to reach the prototype stage at Milestone B in FY12.

Last Modified Date: 02 Jul 2010