U.S. Service Academy slots available

Oct 11, 2012

Now is the time for young men and women from the Northern Marianas to apply for a congressional nomination to one of the U.S. Service Academies.  As a result of enactment of U.S. Public Law 111-84, there are four openings available this year: two at the Military Academy at West Point, one at the Air Force Academy and one at the Naval Academy.  There is also one position open at the Merchant Marine Academy. Attending a service academy is a unique opportunity to obtain a first-rate college education entirely free.  Graduates also earn the honor of receiving an officer’s commission in the U.S. Armed Forces.  As your Congressman, I may make nominations, but final selections among the nominees are made by academy admission officials.  They look for strong grades in high school, high SAT or ACT scores, physical ability, and leadership potential.  More information and an application form are available at sablan.house.gov.  Applications are due by December 14, 2012. Please contact your congressional office, if you have any questions or want to learn more about this opportunity.