Long Island Sound Projects Receive $1.6 Million

Sep 24, 2012

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) announced today 35 grants totaling $1.6 million to state and local government and community groups throughout Connecticut and New York to improve the health of Long Island Sound. The projects will open up 50 river miles for passage of fish and restore 390 acres of critical wildlife habitat including lakes, woodlands, beaches, and rivers along the waterfront.

Projects specific to the Fourth District include: 

  • $22,000 to restore Calf Island in Greenwich and bring invasive species under control 
  • $34,757 to Audubon Connecticut to create an urban schoolyard habitat partnership in Stamford and New Haven, which will teach students about environmental stewardship 
  • $9,525 to erect educational signs at Sheffield Island Park in Norwalk
  • $3,000 to restore and protect native species to Mianus River Streambank in Stamford

The grants were awarded by the Long Island Sound Futures Fund, which is a joint organization by the Environmental Protection Agency, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Since LISFF’s creation in 2005, Connecticut has received over $17.5 million in grants and grantee matches for conservation in the state.

As a longtime clam fisherman, rower, and overall outdoor enthusiast, I understand first-hand the need to preserve and protect the precious natural resource that is the Long Island Sound. LISFF has been vital in securing the proper funding for these important restoration projects, and I look forward to working with these organizations to ensure the long-term health and vitality of the Sound.

Bridgeport, CT

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Bridgeport, CT 06604
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