Landry: Washington Playing Yet Another Election-Year Game

Congressman Says Career Politicians Trying to Pull Fast One over American People

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jeff Landry (R, LA-03) issued the following statement in advance of today’s vote on H.R. 6213, the No More Solyndras Act:

“Once again, Washington politicians are lighting a smokescreen in front of the American people’s eyes to hide their failure of leadership. Today, the House will take an election-year vote to end taxpayer-funded Solyndras, a noble cause were this not a cover for their past votes. Washington politicians have spent years voting to fund green energy subsidies, renew corporate welfare sources like Ex-Im Bank, and bailout companies with our hard-earned money. These Washington politicians have spent their careers focused more on their next elections than our next generations, and Americans are left with the consequences: $535 million down the drain to Solyndra, $3.25 billion for programs that will not wean our dependence of foreign oil, and $16 trillion of national debt. As a representative of the people, I am utterly dismayed by their political grandstanding and total disregard of taxpayer money. Washington should quit their games, stop picking winners and losers in our economy, and get America back to a free market – one driven by competition on an open, equal economic playing field."


On May 9, 2012, Landry voted against the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank), citing it as “a government entity that doles out corporate welfare to handpicked companies and industries of its own choosing.”

On July 11, 2011, Landry voted for an amendment to the Energy and Water Appropriations bill that would have cut $3.25 billion from Solyndra-style energy subsidies. The amendment failed 96-313, with “Republicans and Democrats saving this form of crony capitalism.”