In The News

Jun 5, 2012 | The Mortgage Reports

Will Congress Pass “Special” FHA Premiums For First-Time Home Buyers?

Issues: Housing

Representative Karen Bass, D-California has introduced a bill (H.R. 5884), which is sponsored by Representative Robert J. Dold, R-Illinois and Luis V. Gutierrez, D-Illinois, and which is meant to help make FHA mortgages more affordable for first-time home buyers.

Jun 5, 2012 | Associated Press

Bill would help foster youths with school records

Issues: Family, Foster Care

Federal lawmakers proposed a bill Thursday that would give social workers better access to school records in an effort to improve education for foster children.

Jun 5, 2012 | Roll Call

Fostering Growth

Issues: Family, Foster Care

The halls of Congress that Withelma Ortiz Walker Pettigrew traversed last week are a far cry from the abusive foster and groups homes she bounced around throughout her childhood.

Jun 5, 2012 | National Journal

Advocate for Forgotten Kids

Issues: Family, Foster Care

Rushing down the halls of the Cannon House Office Building, shoving her way into crowded elevators and brushing shoulders in the tunnel to the Capitol, Withelma Ortiz-Walker Pettigrew told the story of her troubled youth.

May 10, 2012 | Patch

Culver City High School Student Takes First Place in 2012 Congressional Arts Competition

Issues: Local Issues

Congratulations to Culver City High School’s Michelle Bac for talking first place honors in the 2012 Congressional Arts Competition.

Apr 9, 2012 | The Root

Remembering Africa's Friend in Congress

It's not often that members of Congress from both sides of the aisle come together to celebrate the life and legacy of a single member. Yet, after the death of our beloved colleague Rep. Donald Payne, Republicans and Democrats coalesced in a bittersweet tribute to honor his extraordinary work as a committed public servant for his constituents in New Jersey and as a steadfast ally with top global leaders in Africa.

Mar 23, 2012 | Education Week

Amendment Offered to Stop Student-Loan Interest-Rate Hike

Issues: Education

Yesterday, U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calf.) offered an amendment to prevent Stafford Loan interest rates from doubling this summer.

Feb 21, 2012 | Roll Call

Californian’s Office Speaks in Code

The office of Rep. Karen Bass was one of the first on the Hill to jump on the bar code bandwagon.

Dec 6, 2011 | Roland Martin

What Can Be Done To Keep Our Children Safe From Sexual Assault? (VIDEO)

Issues: Family

U.S Rep. Karen Bass joined Roland Martin's show to discuss new legislation that would keep require mandatory reporting of Child Abuse.

Nov 28, 2011 | BET News

New Legislation Tackles Child Sex Abuse

Issues: Family, Adoption, Foster Care

As the country stands transfixed and outraged by the child sex abuse scandal involving former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, one California congresswoman is working to pass legislation ensuring that Americans will remain vigilant about reporting child sexual abuse from now on.
