Blogs & Op-Eds

July 26, 2012
Stop the Red Tape

Thanks to President Obama, America is experiencing the worst economic recovery since World War II.

Small businesses along Main Street are struggling – and they’re discouraged. If you listen, they’ll tell you they’re strangling in red tape. Almost half of small business owners said they’re not hiring right now because of new red tape, including the president’s health care law.

Washington red tape is skyrocketing ‐ up by more than half just since President Obama took office. As big as government already is, the White House is on pace to add more pages of red tape to the Federal Register than any other president in history.

For a small business owner, red tape adds up to more than $10,000 for every worker.* That means it’s harder to survive and harder to add new workers. Ultimately, the cost of red tape is fewer jobs for American workers.

The chart (above) was developed using the White House websites at the Small Business Administration and the IRS.

This chart shows the overwhelming web of red tape a typical small business owner in America faces each and every day – from permitting to privacy to personnel. As bad as it is, this chart doesn’t include the additional red tape that states and local governments pile on. Or the red tape that Washington piles on specific industries, like community banks.

To get America’s economy moving again, House Republicans will act this month to cut red tape and prevent more job‐killing regulation until the economy gets back on track. This includes: establishing a moratorium on super‐sized red tape, ending ‘midnight regulation’ by an outgoing White House, stopping “sue and settle” abuses, streamlining red tape to unlock American energy projects and requiring more thorough cost‐benefit analyses on pending regulations that drive up borrowing costs for local families and businesses.

*($10,585 in 2008 according to the SBA)

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