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Press Release

112th Congress

August 02, 2012

Peterson Floor Statement on Agricultural Disaster Assistance Act

“Today is the last day of session before the August recess and once again the House will adjourn without finishing its work. No wonder no one likes Congress. Members will now have to explain Read More »

July 20, 2012

Peterson Statement on House Leadership Refusal to Debate Farm Bill

“There is no excuse not to bring the farm bill to the floor. We’ve wasted the last two weeks on political messaging bills that are going nowhere. If the House Republican Leadership were Read More »

July 11, 2012

Peterson Statement at Meeting to Consider 2012 Farm Bill

“As I have said repeatedly, we need to finish the 2012 Farm Bill and send it to the President before the 2008 bill expires on September 30th. Today’s meeting brings us yet another step Read More »

July 05, 2012

Lucas and Peterson Release House Farm Bill

“Congress needs to complete work on the 2012 Farm Bill before the current bill expires, otherwise we jeopardize one of the economic bright spots of our nation’s fragile economy. The leg Read More »

June 21, 2012

Peterson Statement: Senate Approves 2012 Farm Bill

“Today is an important step to having a farm bill in place before the current bill expires this fall. I give high marks to Chairwoman Stabenow and Ranking Member Roberts who did an excellent Read More »

May 15, 2012

Peterson Statement: USDA Celebrates 150 Years

Protecting our nation’s food supply, providing support to our farmers and rural communities, conserving our natural resources, developing new markets, and investing in the future through agri Read More »

May 10, 2012

Peterson Statement: House Reconciliation Act

Everything must be on the table if we are going to have a serious conversation about getting our budget under control. Refusing to consider large budget items like defense and choosing instead to s Read More »

April 26, 2012

Peterson Statement: Senate Agriculture Committee Approves 2012 Farm Bill

“This brings us one step closer to having a farm bill in place before the current bill expires in September. Chairwoman Stabenow and Ranking Member Roberts have found a bipartisan way to move Read More »

April 18, 2012

Peterson Statement at Meeting to Consider Agricultural Reconciliation Act of 2012

“The proposal before us is not serious. You can’t have a serious conversation about getting our budget under control when you take large items like defense off the table, which is reall Read More »

March 29, 2012

Peterson Statement: Republican Budget Creates Uncertainty for Rural America

“Passing a farm bill this year was already going to be difficult but the Republican Budget approved by the House today lowers the odds significantly. Going through the reconciliation process, Read More »