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Guide to Planning a Dependent Care Fair


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Arrange for Vendor Tables

Order vendor tables and skirts from a contractor or from your agency. Consider the table size that the floor space can handle space can handle. Try to place an order at least six weeks before the fair. Because you may not know the precise number of vendors who will attend, estimate the number of tables needed. Develop delivery procedures that include: who will accept the materials; where the materials will be delivered; whom to call to verify delivery; how to label the materials; and the earliest/latest times that materials can be accepted.

Vendor Delivery and Arrival Instructions

Vendors should have the following, information at least three weeks prior to the event: arrival time of the event, delivery options, and building security procedures. If options for delivery of materials are available, ask for a response no later than three days prior to the event (see Appendix C).


  • Tables and skirts are ordered from a contractor or my agency.
  • Each vendor is provided with logistical instruction.
  • A record of preferred delivery method and arrival time for each vendor is kept.


Begin advertising the fair at least six weeks prior to the event. Contact your agency communications or public affairs office for assistance. Use all available means of employee communication in your agency such as:

  • Employee Letter (circulate two weeks prior),
  • Agency Newsletter,
  • Internal Electronic Bulletin Board or email system,
  • Agency Video Information System,
  • Posters (display two weeks prior in heavy traffic areas such as lobbies, elevators, and cafeteria), and/or
  • Flyers (display two weeks prior on employee bulletin boards, in the cafeteria, etc.)


  • The office of communications or public relations is contacted to advertise the event.
  • Posters and flyers are displayed/handed out.
  • All forms of communication are being utilized, including internal televisions, computer mail systems, and agency newsletters.

Vendor Signs

Make vendor signs for the tables.

Vendor Directory

Develop a booklet of participating vendors to be distributed to fair attendees. The booklet should include address, phone number, website, and organizational description of each vendor, including those that only sent materials. This information should be taken from the completed vendor confirmation forms.


  • Organizational signs are made for each vendor attending.
  • A vendor booklet is written, providing important information on each vendor including name, address, phone number, website, and organizational description.
  • Booklets are displayed for fair participants.


Have volunteers available for assisting with "day before" and "day of " tasks. Such as:

  • arranging materials on tables that will not be staffed by a vendor representative;
  • assisting vendors with the unloading of materials;
  • directing vendors to their tables;
  • familiarizing vendors with building logistics, such as the location of the cafeteria, bathrooms, and/or snack machines;
  • addressing vendors' individual needs (supplying stationary items, etc.);
  • staffing an information table to answer general attendee questions;
  • distributing vendor directories and complimentary materials to attendees; and
  • general trouble shooting during the course of the event.


  • Volunteers agree to assist with "day before" and "day of" tasks.
  • An information table is included in the floor plan.

Table Set Up

The tables should be delivered and set up The tables should be delivered and set up according to the floor plan on the day before the event. Place any vendor materials already received under the appropriate table. Do not place literature on the tables until the event day. Fasten signs to the tables. Any decorative materials like balloons should be ordered two weeks before the event. If you have decided to supply participants with complimentary carry bags, place a handful at each table. Participants often will ask vendors for a bag in which to carry their materials.

Thank You Notes

Write thank you notes to each vendor and internal personnel who assisted in the event planning, i.e., security, building services (see Appendix C).


  • A layout of tables is designed.
  • Literature is placed under the tables before the day of the fair.
  • Table signs are fastened to appropriate tables.
  • Vendors bags are placed on each table.
  • Thank you notes are sent to vendors and support staff.


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