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Recycled Content Products

This library contains EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG) compliant, and other recycled content products, as well as relevant documents, articles, presentations and other materials concerning federal requirements to purchase these items.

Schedule Items 

Name Format Size Publish Date
Construction Products Availability of Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG) and other recycled content construction products on GSA Schedule contract(s). Word 36k  
Landscaping Products Information on the availability of Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG) and other recycled landscaping products on GSA Schedule contract(s). Word 30k  
Park and Recreation Products Information on Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG) and other recycled park and recreation products on GSA Schedule contract(s). Word 27k 2/20/2008
Transportation Products Information on the availability of CPG and other recycled transportation products on GSA Schedule contract(s). Word 30k  
Vehicular Products Information on the availability of Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG) and other recycled vehicular products on GSA Schedule contract(s). Word 27k  

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Stock and Special Order Items 

Name Format Size Publish Date
Landscaping Products This document identifies the various landscaping products that customers can acquire from GSA. Excel 15k 4/3/2007
Miscellaneous Items Information on the availability of Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG) miscellaneous products on GSA Stock and Special Order Programs. Excel 40k 2/24/2009
Miscellaneous Products This document identifies the various miscellaneous products that customers can acquire from GSA. Excel 33k 4/3/2007
Nonpaper Products This document identifies the various nonpaper products that customers can acquire from GSA. Excel 267k 4/3/2007
Paper Products This document identifies the various paper products that customers can acquire from GSA. Excel 402k 2/24/2009
Paper Products Forms This document identifies the various paper products forms that customers can acquire from GSA Excel 40k 3/25/2007

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environmental products, green products, recycled products, recycled content products, CPG, construction, transportation, paper, nonpaper, vehicular