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coloumbia flagThe United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement (CTPA) was signed on November 22, 2006. Colombia's Congress approved the CTPA and a protocol of amendment in 2007. Colombia's Constitutional Court compfleted its review in July 2008, and concluded that the Agreement conforms to Colombia's Constitution. The United States and Colombia implemented the CTPA on May 15, 2012.

U.S.-Colombia Trade Facts

Colombia is currently our 27th largest goods trading partner with $27.7 billion in total (two way) goods trade during 2010. Goods exports totaled $12.0 billion; Goods imports totaled $15.6 billion. The U.S. goods trade deficit with Colombia was $3.6 billion in 2010.


Colombia was the United States' 20th largest goods export market in 2010.

U.S. goods exports to Colombia in 2010 were $12.0 billion, up 27.4% ($2.6 billion) from 2009, and up 196% from 1994 (the year prior to Uruguay Round).

The top export categories (2-digit HS) in 2010 were: Machinery ($2.8 billion), Mineral Fuel (oil) ($2.2 billion), Electrical Machinery ($942 million), Organic Chemicals ($814 million), and Plastic ($616 million).

U.S. exports of agricultural products to Colombia totaled $832 million in 2010, the 25th largest U.S. Ag export market. Leading categories include: wheat ($164 million), coarse grains ($118 million), and cotton ($100 million).


Colombia was the United States' 25th largest supplier of goods imports in 2010.

U.S. goods imports from Colombia totaled $15.6 billion in 2010, a 38.2% increase ($4.3 billion) from 2009, and up 393% over the last 16 years.

The five largest import categories in 2010 were: Mineral Fuel and Oil (crude) ($10.5 billion), Precious Stones (gold) ($1.6 billion), Spices, Coffee, and Tea (mostly coffee) ($817 million), Live Trees and Plants (cut flowers) ($562 million), and Edible Fruit and Nuts (bananas) ($269 million).

U.S. imports of ag products from Colombia totaled $2.0 billion in 2010, the 12th largest supplier of Ag imports. Leading categories include: coffee (unroasted) ($773 million), nursery products & cut flowers ($562 million), and bananas & plantains ($264 million).

Trade Balance

The U.S. goods trade deficit with Colombia was $3.6 billion in 2010, a 92.5% increase ($1.7 billion) over 2009.


U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) in Colombia (stock) was $6.7 billion in 2009 (latest data available), a 21.2% increase from 2008.

U.S. direct investment in Colombia is primarily concentrated in the mining and manufacturing sectors.

Colombia FDI in the United States (stock) was $220 million in 2009 (latest data available), down 74.3% from 2008.

The distribution of Colombia FDI in the United States was not available.