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Sergeant Paul Kindzierski

This MOS seemed to be the most interesting.

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Sergeant Paul Kindzierski

This MOS seemed to be the most interesting.

SGT Paul Kindzierski: I joined the Army for a chance at adventure, to expand my horizons to see the world and travel.
SSG Joseph Johnson: This MOS seemed to be the most interesting. The reason why I chose it is because of what I can equate it to in the civilian world once I do retire.
SPC Kristopher Martin: A water purification is actually a really good job in the civilian world. The Army is pretty much the only place you can get the groundwork done. There’s not very many tech schools out there.
SGT Paul Kindzierski: When you leave the Army as a 92 whiskey--water treatment specialist--you’re afforded a lot of jobs. Most of your canning plants that produce food, can goods, need a water treatment specialist on site.
SFC Michael Myer: This job in the civilian world will allow you to get out and transition into a water treatment plant for a local government or even in a large city. You’ll be able to get a job in other countries if you would like, to travel the world and help them establish their purification plants.
PVT Richard Garza: If I were to leave the Army after my enlistment term were to expire, I know I can carry this MOS experience to the civilian sector or private sector as for instance being a QA tech. you can be treating water for public works systems. It’s just a wide variety as far as where you can go with this MOS.
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