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NIH MedlinePlus the Magazine, Trusted Health Information from the National Institutes of Health

Saying "Yes!" to Careers in Health Care

Donald West King, M.D.

Donald West King, M.D.
FNLM Chairman

Recently, the Friends of NLM was delighted to co-sponsor the fourth annual "Yes, I Can Be a Healthcare Professional" conference at Frederick Douglass Academy in Harlem. More than 2,300 students and parents from socioeconomically disadvantaged communities throughout the entire New York City metropolitan area convened for the daylong session. It featured practical skills workshops, discussion groups, and exhibits from local educational institutions, health professional societies, community health services, and health information providers, including the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

If you'll pardon the expression, the enthusiasm among the attendees—current and future healthcare professionals—was infectious!

It was especially exciting to mix with some of the students from six public and charter high schools in Harlem and the South Bronx enrolled in the Science and Health Career Exploration Program. The program was created by Mentoring in Medicine, Inc., funded by the NLM and co-sponsored by the Friends. This new effort entails 40 sessions of biology instruction (covering 12 organ systems of the body) taught by visiting health professionals and mentors over a two-year period. The six schools are characterized by dynamic administrators and faculty recognized for their teaching excellence, and for graduation rates far exceeding the norm.

In our view, there couldn't be a better proving ground for new approaches that stimulate and sustain student interest in healthcare careers. We are proud to be helping young people say "Yes" to careers in health care.

Donald West King, M.D., Chairman
Friends of the National Library of Medicine

Let Us Hear From You!

We want your feedback on the  magazine, ideas for future issues, as well as questions and suggestions. E-mail your letters to Managing Editor Selby Bateman ( or send mail to Editor, NIH MedlinePlus Magazine, P.O. Box 18427, Greensboro, NC 27419-8427. We will feature some of your letters in upcoming issues.

Personalized Health Care in the Digital Age

What advances lie just around the corner for you and your family? Look for the latest developments in the Spring issue of NIH MedlinePlus magazine, which will feature the results of an April conference, The e-Patient: Digital and Genomic Technologies for Personalized Health Care.

The nation's top health researchers, computer experts, and scientists will share the newest advances in cancer research, telemedicine, and more.

National Library of Medicine
& Friends of the National Library of Medicine
The e-Patient: Digital and Genomic Technologies for Personalized Health Care
April 6-7, 2010
To find out more, visit

Mobile MedlinePlus!

Mobile MedlinePlus on an iPhone

On the go! Find trusted health information from the experts at MedlinePlus and the National Library of Medicine:

  • Disease and wellness topics
  • The latest health news
  • An illustrated medical encyclopedia
  • Information on prescription
    and over-the-counter medications

Trusted medical information on your mobile phone. and in Spanish at

Winter 2010 Issue: Volume 5 Number 1 Page Inside Cover