Publications on Special Needs

Learning Disabled

Kusuma-Powell, Ochan & Powell, William (ed.). Count Me In: Developing Inclusive International Schools. Overseas Schools Advisory Council, Washington, D.C., 2000.
The book provides teachers, administrators, parents and students with a practical blueprint of practices for exceptional children based on exemplary international learning theories and research. Although the project began in Africa, it is applicable to students around the world. It can be accessed on the Internet at

Shaywitz, S.. Overcoming dyslexia: A new and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level. Borzoi , New York, 2003.
This book takes advantage of recent brain research that demonstrates the ways in which dyslexic children differ in their processing of language/reading from other children, explains developmental progressions, and provides abundant strategies for parents and teachers to help dyslexic children become successful.

Hensley, Sharon. (1997). Home Schooling Children with Special Needs. Noble Publishing Associates.
ISBN-10: 1568570244. ISBN-13: 978-1568570242.  Home schooling mild to more severe learning disabled children.  Resources and curriculum options for varying learning styles and unique issues special needs children have.

Bell, Debra. (2005). The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling. Nashville, Tennessee. Tommy Nelson, a division of Thomas Nelson, Inc.  ISBN-10: 1400305667. ISBN-13: 978-1400305667.  Wonderful resource for homeschooling children for both the beginner and the family who has homeschooled for years.  Numerous web links, insights on curriculums, and covers all ages/grade levels.  This book has an entire chapter on homeshooling special needs children but the entire book can be applied to teaching the special needs student.


Rogers, K. B. (2001). Re-forming Gifted Education: Matching the Program to the Child. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.
A highly informative book for parents about the various models available and the process of matching an education to a child's needs. A must read!

Ruf, D. L. (2005). Losing Our Minds: Gifted Children Left Behind. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.
A careful description of the characteristics and needs of children at various levels of giftedness - something too often ignored. Largely told through cases. A good resource for parents who are seeking to understand individual differences among gifted children.

Webb, J. T., Amend, E. R., Webb, N. E., Goerss, J., Beljan, P., & Olenchak, F. R. (2005). Misdiagnosis and Dual diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.
A valuable resource for parents and professionals who are trying to distinguish behaviors concomitant with giftedness and those concomitant with various psychological disorders.

Winebrenner, S. (2000). Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom: Strategies and Techniques Every Teacher Can Use to Meet the Academic Needs of the Gifted and Talented (rev. ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit.
This book helps teachers see how to compact the curriculum so that children do not have to spend time re-learning what they already know well, and how to extend and deepen the curriculum. It is also a good introduction for parents seeking to understand how differentiated efforts in the classroom can help their children.

Gifted and Learning Disabled

Silverman, L. K. (2002). Upside-Down Brilliance: The Visual-Spatial Learner. Denver: DeLeon. Silverman applies her abundant clinical experience to understanding the plight of children who are high spatial/lower verbal (the opposite of the usual pattern found in children accepted for gifted programs) and helping them cope with a world that isn't designed very well for them.

Children's Temperament

Carey, William B. with Jablow, Martha M. (1998). Understanding Your Child's Temperament. New York: Simon & Schuster MacMillan. pp.1- 228.
William Carey, M.D., heads the Behavioral Pediatrics program at The Children's Hospital in Philadelphia. Based on his many years as a practicing pediatrician, he shows how understanding individual differences in temperament can help parents work with children with particular temperaments or behavioral styles. The book is written specifically for parents and contains useful and common sense suggestions.

Kristal, Jan (2005). The Temperament Perspective. Working with Children's Behavioral Styles. Baltimore, Maryland: Paul Brookes. pp. 1-420.
A comprehensive discussion of temperament theory and applications. Based on her own research and clinical experience, Kristal describes temperament from infancy through the school years, showing how temperament contributes to children's adjustment and behavior. There are many examples of temperament types and suggestions for parents.

Kurcinka, Mary Sheedy (1998), Raising Your Spirited Child. New York: Harper Collins. pp. 1-302.
Practical suggestions and strategies for parents when interacting with a high active, intense, energetic, and "challenging" children. The book is based on Kurcinka's extensive experience working with parents, children, and families, and is filled with useful insights and recommendations.