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Education & Training

Following an Energy Savings Assessment conducted by the University of Delaware's Industrial Assessment Center, Chrome Deposit Corporation's Newark, DE plant is seeing significant energy savings.

Following an Energy Savings Assessment conducted by the University of Delaware's Industrial Assessment Center, Chrome Deposit Corporation's Newark, DE plant is seeing significant energy savings.

Shedding Light on the Solar Decathlon 2013 Teams

Follow the teams through every step of the competition on social media.

Back to School with Energy Ant
More than 750 students and teachers (and Energy Ant!) visited Washington D.C. for the 32nd Annual NEED Youth Awards for Energy Achievement to receive awards for outstanding energy education efforts in their local communities. | Photo courtesy National Energy Education Development Project

Learn about some of the extraordinary — and free — resources available for teachers and students on the U.S. Energy Information Administrations's Energy Kids page.

University Teams Lead Innovative Solar Research Projects
A concentrating solar power system in Albuquerque, New Mexico. | Photo by Randy Montoya/Sandia National Laboratory.

Creating the next-generation of high-performance heat transfer fluids for concentrated solar power systems.

Native American Students in STEM Fields: A Critical Need for our Country
Dot Harris, Director of the Office of Economic Impact and Diversity, speaks about her engineering career to Native American students at the Intertribal Youth Summit on July 30. | Photo Credit: AnneMarie Ashburn, Department Of Energy.

The Office of Economic Impact and Diversity's Dot Harris recently met with youth from Tribal Nations around the U.S. to discuss the benefits of STEM education.