Office of the Climate Change Advisor

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Performance Scorecard National Roadmap
Performance Scorecard
Starting this year, each national forest and grassland will be tracking progress using a new 10-point scorecard. The Forest Service's research branch along with regional and national programs will provide support for this agency-wide effort.

Click here to learn more
National Roadmap
The Forest Service will hold itself accountable for progress under this roadmap in four major dimensions: agency or organizational capacity; partnerships and conservation education; adaptation; and mitigation

Click here to learn more

Related Resources and Information

Speeches from Chief Tidwell

Climate Change Events

Information for upcoming workshops, forums, exhibits and events.
Visit website.

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Climate Change Resource Center

Get information and tools to address climate change in project planning and implementation. Visit Website.


Climate Change Intranet

Please note that this is only accessible by U.S. Forest Service employees. Visit website.

Forest Service Climate Change

Visit the official Forest service website for climate change related information. Visit website.

The Forest Service's video on Climate Change

Message from the previous U.S. Forest Service Chief Gail Kimbell.
View video.

Climate Change Awareness Toolkit

United States Global Change Research Program offers a toolkit for educators. Visit website.

Interview with Dave Cleaves

In a recent televised interview, US Forest Service Climate Change Advisor Dave Cleaves describes the Forest Service role in addressing climate change (filmed 9-18-2011). View video.