Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program

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 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Home

Javits Publications

To obtain a copy of the following publications, send an email to the Javits mailbox with your full name, mailing address, and the name of the publication you wish to receive. You may also call (202) 219-2210 to request these publications.

  • Grant Project Abstracts 1992-1993 & 1996-1999

  • International Comparisons of Entrance and Exit Examinations

  • Identifying Outstanding Talent in American Indian Students

Resources on Gifted Education of Interest to Parents

Scholarships, Camps, Institutes and Summer Program Opportunities

Four Major Universities in the United States with Talent Search Programs

On-line Courses for Gifted Children

Other Publications on Gifted and Talented Education

Leadership Resources

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Last Modified: 03/15/2010