Earth As Art

Earth As Art

A collection of Landsat 7 scenes created for aesthetic purposes rather than scientific interpretation.
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Earth As Art 2

Earth As Art 2

Forty-five new scenes developed for their aesthetic beauty, rather than for scientific value. The artists of this collection come from three sensors aboard satellites orbiting the Earth - Landsat 7, ASTER, and MODIS.
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Earth As Art 3

Earth As Art 3

The Earth as Art Three exhibit provides fresh and inspiring glimpses of different parts of our planet's complex surface.
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Image of the Week

Image of the Week

Image of the Week


Landsat State Mosaics

View images of the 50 states plus Puerto Rico.
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NED Shaded Relief

States - NED Shaded Relief

View images of the 50 states.
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Lewis and Clark

The Journey of Lewis and Clark

The Voyage of Discovery Continues: Another view of the Journey of Lewis and Clark

As one of the most remarkable and productive scientific explorations in American history, the Corps of Discovery expedition crossed the territory of the newly acquired but uncharted Louisiana Purchase.
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