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Grants for the Integration of Schools and Mental Health Systems

   Current Section  Funding Status
 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Funding Status


Appropriations: $5,913,000
Number of New Awards: 16-18
Range of New Awards: $150,900-$400,000
Average Size of New Awards: $347,800 (Actual: $346,941)


Appropriations: $5,898,000
Number of New Awards: 17
Range of New Awards: $228,912-$399,660
Average Size of New Awards: $346,941

Fiscal Year 2008

Appropriations: $4,913,000
Number of New Awards: 16
Range of New Awards: $150,000-$350,000
Average Size of New Awards: $275,000

Fiscal Year 2007

Appropriations: $4,910,000
Number of New Awards: 15
Average Size of New Awards: $300,000
Range of New Awards: $150,000-$350,000

Fiscal Year 2006

Appropriations: $4,910,400
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 16
Average New Award: $295,000
Range of New Awards: $150,000-$350,000

Fiscal Year 2005

Appropriations: $4,960,000
Number of New Awards: 20
Average of New Awards: $245,000
Range of New Awards: $80,000-$350,000

Note: Fiscal year 2005 was the first year of funding.

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Last Modified: 11/02/2011