U.S. Forest Service Valuing Ecosystem Services
Valuing Ecosystem Services U.S. Forest Service Valuing Ecosystem Services USDA Home Page U.S. Forest Service Home Page Rotating factoid imageImage banner including pictures of wildlife, plants, and streams.


Payments for conserving biodiversity often come from nongovernmental organizations that have biodiversity objectives. Other interests include the ecotourism and pharmaceutical industries, whose payments secure access to biodiversity hotspots. The development of market-based instruments is challenging and nebulous, largely due to a lack of buyers and financial investment as well as the difficulty in defining biodiversity units of measure. In some cases regulatory frameworks have mobilized market transactions; the emergence of conservation banking in the US, for example, may give private landowners a new incentive to manage forests and conserve critical habitat.

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Location: http://www.fs.fed.us/ecosystemservices/biodiversity.shtml
Updated: May 29, 2009 9:09 AM