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NFF Carbon Capital Fund

National Forest Foundation's Friends of the Forest
NFF is providing an opportunity for people to learn more about their carbon footprint... People have an opportunity to contribute to the health, diversity and productivity of the nation’s forests, not only by countering climate change but also by replanting forests for the benefit of future generations.

Gail Kimbell
Forest Service Chief

The Forest Service is working with the National Forest Foundation (NFF) to demonstrate the role of forest carbon sequestration in addressing climate change. The NFF’s Carbon Capital Fund initiative provides an opportunity for individuals and organizations to invest in Forest Service reforestation projects that sequester additional carbon. Donations to the Carbon Capital Fund will be used to replant areas on national forests that have been damaged by wildfire and other natural disturbances. Reforestation projects will be verified by Winrock International, an independent non-profit organization that specializes in forest carbon measurement and monitoring.

Reforestation is critical to restoring and improving the health of our national forests. Apart from the benefits of carbon storage, reforestation conserves soil and water and enhances water quality, wildlife habitat, scenic values, and other ecosystem services.

Reforestation needs on the national forests present an opportunity to reduce climate change impacts. Sequestering additional carbon on national forest lands will help offset carbon dioxide emissions and mitigate climate change - forests in the United States currently sequester carbon at a rate equivalent to 10% of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, but this rate of sequestration may not be sustainable without additional action. Tree planting that enhances forest health and resiliency will also help these ecosystems adapt to climate change.

Forestry’s role in the emerging carbon market continues to be explored and debated. Our partnership with the NFF will help us address the uncertainties of forest carbon offset projects and advance an understanding of how sustainable forest management can be included in a climate change strategy.

Learn more…

Carbon Capital Fund FAQs »

MOU between NFF and the Forest Service (PDF, 1.3 MB)

Chief Kimbell’s remarks at the Carbon Capital Fund press event, July 2007 (PDF, 21 KB)

Location: http://www.fs.fed.us/ecosystemservices/Carbon_Capital_Fund/index.shtml
Updated: January 26, 2012 3:23 PM