Secretary Bryson: "Build it Here, Sell it Everywhere"

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Bryson, gesturing during Chamber remarks, on podium (photo: U.S. Chamber of Commerce)

U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson today laid out his vision for how the Department of Commerce can best partner with the business community to support the president’s jobs agenda at a speech at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. In his remarks, Bryson outlined his top three priorities to help American businesses "build it here and sell it everywhere," focusing on supporting advanced manufacturing, increasing our exports, and attracting more investment to America from all over the world. The former Chairman and CEO of Edison International, Bryson also served as a director on the boards of Boeing and the Walt Disney Company, and as a senior advisor to the private equity firm KKR, and he spoke about his experiences in the private sector and how the Department of Commerce is uniquely situated to support job creation.

“At the Commerce Department, we aren’t waiting to act. . . .We have a major role to play at this critical time to support job creation in America. We have an array of tools to help make our businesses more innovative, more efficient, and more competitive around the world,” he said. “I want to know how this administration and the Commerce Department can best help you. From these conversations, my discussions with the president and my own personal experience, I will prioritize one simple imperative. . . to help American businesses build it here and sell it everywhere.”

The Secretary's remarks at the Chamber marked his first major address, laying out his vision for the Department, focusing on manufacturing, exports and investing in America. Read about the new or recently announced Commerce Department initiatives to support these prioritiesPress release  |  Remarks | Video

Bryson welcomes audience, media to Chamber remarks (photo: U.S. Chamber of Commerce) Bryson on podium, explains Commerce priorities (photo: U.S. Chamber of Commerce) Side view of Chamber Hall with Bryson explaining his vision for the Commerce Department (photo: U.S. Chamber of Commerce) Secretary John Bryson Delivers His Priorities for the Commerce Department: Build it Here. Sell it Everywhere. Secretary Bryson is joined by Congressman Chaka Fattah and  Rolf Lundberg, Senior Vice President, Congressional and Public Affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

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Build it here, metric

Build everything in metric measures; millimeters and grams. No more inches and pounds.
We need to join the world and save ourselves a lot of money.


Dear Mr. Bryson,
It’s time for the U.S. to join the rest of the world and go to the metric system of measurement.
Many industries already manufacture and use metric products.
Metric is simpler and easier to use than the English system of measurement.
It would cost less to use too. So why have to earn two systems of measurement?
Regards, Stan Doore
Silver Spring MD

Build products twice?

About 95% of the world population are using solely metric system. In their countries things are standardized with metric system. So if US manufacturer wants to export products, probably he has to make one product for local use and likely other product for export. Like 25 inch convection oven or solar panel don't fit to 60 cm hole or 33 oz. container don’t match with 1 liter container.

Also metric only labeling on products produced and sold in the US is not allowed. Non-metrication will cause lot of costs (here to eternity) to US. Each person in the United States pays about $10-15 per day extra manufacturing costs compared to other countries.

Build products that are compatible with whole world


In 1866, US Congress legalized the use of the metric system, but 1902 legislation requiring the federal government to use metric exclusively was defeated by a single vote. A lot has happened since 1902. Nowadays Liberia, Myanmar and USA are only countries that don’t use metric system.

All this mess costs a lot to US:

So whats the point of non-metrication? Which is better with Imperial Units?

Best Regards,

Shared Capitalism to help us create wealth for all

Everyone is talking about jobs, jobs, and jobs. Isn’t it funny that our country has part of the solution to this extremely important challenge right under our noses: Shared Capitalism. Shared Capitalism in the form of ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) is the ingeniously simple process of getting the worker and the employer to partner together in order to improve the enterprise they both work for.
Ken Baker

From 1980 to 2003

I have heard this stated since 1980 when I was in school up to the year 2003 when I taught the concept of the metric system to 3rd grade students. I will not say the metric system is better than the english system, but it is easier to use and convert since base 10 is its reference point, and makes more since in the various discipline of science and technology and building design and construction.
32 years is long enough let's convert now and be on the same page as the rest of the world. I am not saying get rid of the english system, because it has its uses. But let's make the metric system our primary system of measurement, by atleast 2030. That gives 18 years to phase out and adjust.

Commercial Fishermen

Not that commerce department has helped the ailing fishing industry to thus point, in fact, the opposite, what now?