Analysis Codes

The Radiation Transport Group maintains a diverse set of state-of-the-art nuclear safety analysis codes. These codes include the KENO Monte Carlo codes for nuclear criticality analysis and the DOORS deterministic codes for shielding and criticality analysis. Many of the RT group's codes are part of the SCALE code system.

Monte Carlo Codes for Nuclear Criticality Analysis

The Radiation Transport Group maintains two world-class Monte Carlo codes for criticality analysis.


KENO V.a is a three-dimensional multigroup Monte Carlo program for criticality safety analysis.

Code Manager: Lester M. Petrie, Ph.D.


KENO-VI is a three dimensional generalized geometry Monte Carlo program for criticality safety analysis.

Code Manager: Lester M. Petrie, Ph.D.


KMART and KMART6 are post processing codes for KENO V.a and KENO-VI, respectively. The KMART codes produce flux and activity data on a group-wise and region-dependent basis. These data can be viewed in the output file, or written to a data file for visualization with Javapeno or KENO3D.

Code Manager: Lester M. Petrie, Ph.D.

Monte Carlo Codes for Shielding Analysis


Monaco is a current developmental three-dimensional generalized geometry radiation shielding analysis code with automated variance reduction techniques.

Code Manager: John C. Wagner, Ph.D.

Cross-Section Data Processing Codes

The following codes are used to produce problem-specific cross-section data.


BONAMI processes problem-specific cross-section data in the unresolved resonance region using Bondarenko factors.

Code Manager: Lester M. Petrie, Ph.D.


BONAMI processes problem-specific cross-section data in the resolved resonance region using the Nordheim integral treatment.

Code Manager: Lester M. Petrie, Ph.D.


CENTRM is a one-dimensional continuous energy discrete ordinates transport code.

Code Manager: Mark L. Williams

Discrete Ordinates Radiation Transport Codes


Denovo is a three-dimensional, massively parallel, deterministic radiation transport code. It is capable of solving both shielding and criticality problems on high-performance computing platforms.

Code Manager: Thomas M. Evans, Ph.D.


XSDRNPM is a one-dimensional deterministic radiation transport code.

Code Manager: Lester M. Petrie, Ph.D.


DORT is a two-dimensional discrete ordinates radiation transport code capable of solving shielding and criticality problems in X-Y and R-Z geometries.

Code Manager: John C. Wagner, Ph.D.


TORT is a three-dimensional discrete ordinates radiation transport code capable of solving shielding and criticality problems in cartesian geometry.

Code Manager: John C. Wagner, Ph.D.

Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Codes

The Criticality and Shielding Methods and Applications group maintains the TSUNAMI (Tools for Sensitivity and Uncertainty Methodology Implementation) codes.


The TSUNAMI-1D sequence computes the sensitivity of keff to cross-section data for systems that can be modeled in 1-D. The XSDRNPM module is used to produce forward and adjoint neutron transport solutions and the SAMS module is used to produce sensitivity coefficients. The BONAMIST and NITAWLST modules are used to produce the sensitivity of the resonance self-shielded multigroup cross-section data to input data for the unresolved and resolved resonance regions, respectively.

Cross-section-covariance data are used in the calculation of the uncertainty in keff due to uncertainties in the evaluated nuclear data.

The input for TSUNAMI-1D is similar to that used for the CSAS1X 1-D criticality safety analysis sequence of SCALE, with some additional input requirements.

TSUNAMI-1D produces a sensitivity data file in the TSUNAMI-A format. This data file contains the sensitivity of keff to each reaction of each nuclide on a group-wise basis. Additionally, the sensitivity of keff for each nuclide and each reaction of each mixture and material zone are available on a group-wise basis. This data file is formatted for viewing Javapeno and further analysis with TSUNAMI-IP.

Code Manager: Bradley T. Rearden, Ph.D.


The TSUNAMI-3D sequence computes the sensitivity of keff to cross-section data for explict 3-D system models. The KENO V.a module is used to produce forward and adjoint neutron transport solutions and the SAMS module is used to produce sensitivity coefficients. The BONAMIST and NITAWLST modules are used to produce the sensitivity of the resonance self-shielded multigroup cross-section data to input data for the unresolved and resolved resonance regions, respectively.

Cross-section-covariance data are used in the calculation of the uncertainty in keff due to uncertainties in the evaluated nuclear data.

The input for TSUNAMI-3D is similar to that used for the CSAS25 3-D criticality safety analysis sequence of SCALE, with some additional input requirements.

TSUNAMI-3D produces a sensitivity data file in the TSUNAMI-B format. This data file contains the sensitivity of keff to each reaction of each nuclide on a group-wise basis. Additionally, the sensitivity of keff for each nuclide and each reaction of each mixture and material zone are available on a group-wise basis. This data file is formatted for viewing Javapeno and further analysis with TSUNAMI-IP.

Code Manager: Bradley T. Rearden, Ph.D.


TSUNAMI-IP uses sensitivity data in the TSUNAMI-A or TSUNAMI-B format (as computed with TSUNAMI-1D and/or TSUNAMI-3D) to produce relational indices and other parameters that are used to assess the similarity of systems. These similarity measures are intended to determine the applicability of a benchmark experiment for the code validation of a design system.

Similarity can be asssessed on a "global" basis where all nuclides and reactions are considered, on a reaction-specific basis, where only a single reaction (i.e. all fission in the systems) is considered, and on a nuclide-reaction specific basis, where only a single reaction a single nuclide (i.e. n,alpha reaction for 10B) is considered.

Additional techniques are available in TSUNAMI-IP to assess a "penalty" or addition safety margin for systems where benchmark experiments cannot be identified to provide complete validation coverage.

Code Manager: Bradley T. Rearden, Ph.D.


SAMS is the Sensitivity Analysis Module for SCALE. SAMS processes data from forward and adjoint neutron transport calculations with XSDRNPM or KENO V.a, the sensitivities of the resonance self-shielded cross-section data to input data from BONAMIST and NITAWLST, and the sensitivities of derived input data to basic input data (i.e. sensitivity Dancoff factors to input number densities) to produce the sensitivity of keff to basic nuclear data. Sensitivity coefficients are produced for each energy group for each reaction of each nuclide in each region of the system model. SAMS outputs these data to a standard text output file and formatted sensitivity data files.

Code Manager: Bradley T. Rearden, Ph.D.


BONAMIST is a sensitivity version of BONAMI that produces resonance self-shielded cross-section data in the unresolved resonace region and the sensitivity of the group-wise data to the input data.

Code Manager: Bradley T. Rearden, Ph.D.


NITAWLST is a sensitivity version of NITAWL-II that produces resonance self-shielded cross-section data for the resolved resonance region and the sensitivity of the group-wise data to the input data.

Code Manager: Bradley T. Rearden, Ph.D.

Graphical User Interfaces

The Criticality and Shielding Methods and Applications group developes graphical user interfaces for simplied code input and improved output interpretation.


GEEWiz is the Graphically Enhanced Editing Wizard to generate input files for the SCALE criticality and sensitivity and uncertainty analysis codes.

Code Manager: Stephen M. Bowman


KENO3D is an interactive solid model rendering program for KENO V.a and KENO-VI geometry.

Code Manager: Stephen M. Bowman


Javapeno (Java Plots Especially Nice Output) is an interactive two-dimensional plotting package the plots sensitivity data for TSUNAMI-1D and TSUNAMI-3D, fluxes and activities from KMART and KMART6, energy-dependent and position-dependent data from XSDRNPM, and position-dependent data from SMORES.

Code Manager: Bradley T. Rearden, Ph.D.

Material Optimization


SMORES is a material optimization sequence that utilizes with SWIF methodology to maximize the criticality of a system by rearranging materials within user defined intervals. SMORES operates with one-dimensional systems that are modeled with XSDRNPM.

Code Manager: Sedat Goluoglu