Global Security Directorate

About Us

The Global Security Directorate (GSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) provides innovative technical solutions to compelling national problems that materially improve homeland, national, and global security. Programs within GSD have an emphasis on the detection, prevention, and reversal of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. We work to help secure nuclear materials, improve safeguards and security systems, and improve accounting systems that track the location of nuclear materials. In addition, NSD strives to deliver enhanced protection and new capabilities to war fighters. We are helping to solve specific technical and scientific challenges facing the Department for Defense, both in terms of current and future war fighting needs and efforts to transform the military services. We make significant contributions to military programs in the areas of logistics and transportation management, chemical/biological defense and early warning, sensor miniaturization and communication, robotics for use by soldiers, and special materials. GSD is extremely involved in the protection of America’s homeland. We are assisting federal, state, and local agencies to develop and deploy next-generation technologies that will greatly improve the nation’s ability to detect, prevent, respond, and recover from acts of terrorism. We are providing technology for detecting minute quantities of explosives, hazardous chemicals, and biological and radioactive materials; investigating ways to prevent radiological dispersion devices from being used and to mitigate them should they be used; and developing the architecture, modeling, and simulation systems for planning and responding to incidents.