Global Security Directorate

Technology Development and Deployment Programs

As an integral part of the Global Security Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the primary mission of the Technology Development and Deployment (TDD) is to “mine technology” to meet the many requirements of national and homeland security. Through a systematic process TDD seeks to find new and evolving technologies within ORNL and match those with the requirements and needs of numerous customers. System of system integration and development for potential programs can require significant support from multiple research divisions at ORNL. Beginning with invention discovery, TDD stands ready to focus, coordinate, and integrate the effort; will build the marketing strategy, provide program management and/or hand off the project.

Point of Contact: Richard L. Stouder, Director
Technology Development and Deployment Programs, Global Security Directorate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Post Office Box 2008, MS-6242
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6242

Telephone: (865) 574-3053
Facsimile: (865) 241-1056