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Image Gallery : Image Details
 72 DPI Image 
 150 DPI Image 
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Title: Nanowire; Practical Oscillators
Description: Electron micrograph of a NIST-grown nanowire with a high "quality factor" vibrating more than 1 million times per second. At lower right, a stationary nanowire shows the typical hexagonal shape of the gallium nitride crystals.

*PHY, nanowire, JILA

See also
Subjects (names):
Topics/Categories: Nanotechnology--Basic
Type: Graphic/scientific data
Source: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Credit Line as it should
appear in print:
Credit: S. Tanner, CU/JILA
AV Number: 07PHY028
Date Created: November 2007
Date Entered: 11/27/2007

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