Home Most Wanted White Collar Crimes

White Collar Crimes

White Collar Crime, a term reportedly first coined in 1939, is synonymous with the full range of frauds committed by business and government professionals.


    Conspiracy; Securities Fraud; Sale of Unregistered Securities; Wire Fraud; Mail Fraud; Money Laundering; Attempted Income Tax Evasion

    Eric Bartoli is wanted in Ohio for his alleged involvement in a ponzi scheme. During 1995 through 1999, Bartoli allegedly created and operated Cyprus Funds, Inc., (Cyprus), which was based out of Doylestown, Ohio, and incorporated in Central America and Belize. Bartoli and his co-conspirators allegedly operated Cyprus to sell certificates of deposit and unregistered mutual funds. Cyprus raised approximately $65 million from an estimated 800 investors in Latin America and the United States. Additionally, some of Cyprus's victims included retirees. It was also reported that Bartoli allegedly used the majority of the money invested with Cyprus to operate various business entities and for his personal use. It should be noted that one of Bartoli's partners died while the case was pending and the other individuals have since served their prison sentences.

    On October 15, 2003, a federal arrest warrant was issued by the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, after Bartoli was charged with the following crimes: conspiracy; securities fraud; sale of unregistered securities; wire fraud; mail fraud; money laundering; and attempted income tax evasion.

    It is believed that Eric Bartoli is living in Peru.

    None known

    • Enrico Orlandini
    • Enrico Adams
    • Steve Betts
    Date(s) of Birth Used: October 18, 1954 Hair: Brown (balding)
    Place of Birth: Lansing, Michigan Eyes: Green
    Height: Approximately 5'10" - 5'11"
    Weight: 175 pounds Sex: Male
    Race: White
    Occupation: Securities broker
    Nationality: American
    Photograph taken in 2010; courtesy of Donald Schweitzer