Hemispheric Security Documents

-12/01/11   Organization of American States Committee on Hemispheric Security
-11/18/11   Document of Port of Spain: Institutionalization of the MISPA Process
-11/18/11   Port of Spain Recommendations For Police Management
-11/10/11   Joint Statement Second Caribbean-United States Security Cooperation Dialogue
-11/25/10   Ninth Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas: Declaration of Santa Cruz de la Sierra
-09/03/10   Declaration of Antigua
-06/10/10   Commitment of Bridgetown: Partnership for Prosperity and Security
-05/27/10   Caribbean-U.S. Plan of Action on Security Cooperation
-05/27/10   Caribbean-U.S. Security Cooperation Dialogue Declaration of Principles
-05/27/10   Joint Caribbean-U.S. Framework for Security Cooperation Engagement
-05/07/10   Final Communique: Third U.S.-Central America Dialogue on Security
-05/07/10   SICA-U.S. Statement on Haiti and Chile
-02/26/10   Eighth Meeting of Ministers of Justice or Other Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas (REMJA VIII)
-11/11/09   Hemispheric Security and the Port of Spain Summit of the Americas
-11/09/09   Second Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Public Security in the Americas (MISPA II)
-05/19/09   eTrace Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of National Security
-04/27/09   Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the eTrace Application (Sample)  [292 Kb]
-03/12/09   List of Confidence and Security Building Measures
-03/06/09   Declaration on Strengthening Border Controls and International Cooperation in the Fight Against Terrorism
-01/29/09   Hemispheric Security and the Mar del Plata Summit of the Americas
-01/29/09   References to Security in the Monterrey Summit of the Americas Declaration
-01/29/09   References to Security in the Quebec Summit Documents
-01/29/09   References to Security in the Santiago Summit Documents
-01/21/09   Regional Arms Control Initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean (1974-2003)
-12/12/08   ATF Press Release: Seven Central American Countries To Get eTrace
-12/12/08   Final Communique: Second U.S.-Central America Dialogue on Security
-12/12/08   Mechanism for U.S.-Central America Dialogue on Security
-09/05/08   Declaration of Banff
-04/30/08   Document on the REMJA Process: "Document of Washington"*
-04/30/08   Report of the Seventh Meeting of Ministers of Justice or of Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas (REMJA-VII)
-04/05/08   Statement Issued by the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community at its Thirteenth Special Meeting
-12/03/07   CARICOM-U.S. Initiative on Combating the Illicit Trafficking in Small Arms and Light Weapons and Ammunition
-08/14/07   Security Strategy for Central America and Mexico
-07/18/07   Final Declaration: U.S.-Central America Dialogue on Security
-07/18/07   USAID-SICA Regional Gang Prevention Activity Agreement [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-03/28/07   Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions
-10/10/06   Consensuses of the Conferences of Ministers of Defense of the Americas from Williamsburg 1995 to Quito 2004
-10/10/06   Current Regulations of the Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas
-10/10/06   Seventh Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas: Declaration of Managua
-03/29/06   Regional Participation in the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms
-03/29/06   Regional Participation in the United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures
-03/22/06   U.S.-CARICOM Initiative to Combat Illicit Trafficking in Arms
-12/06/04   Communique of the 3 + 1 Group on Tri-Border Area Security
-11/21/04   Sixth Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas: Declaration of Quito
-12/03/03   Communique of the 3+1 Group on Counterterrorism
-09/01/03   Confidence and Security Building Measures in the Americas: A Reference Book of Hemispheric Documents  [749 Kb]
-11/22/02   Fifth Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas: Declaration of Santiago
-06/17/02   Conference of Andean Community Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of Defense
-03/30/01   Presidential Declaration of Pochomil
-10/16/00   Fourth Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas: Declaration of Manaus
-09/01/00   Communique of Brasilia
-06/30/00   Charter of Buenos Aires on Social Commitment in MERCOSUR, Bolivia, and Chile
-06/30/00   Communique from the 23rd Presidential Summit Meeting of MERCOSUR
-06/30/00   Joint Communique of the Presidents of the MERCOSUR Countries, Bolivia, and Chile
-02/07/00   Establishment of a System to Establish Confidence-Building Measures and Reduce Tensions in the Caribbean Sea
-07/24/99   Political Declaration of MERCOSUR, Bolivia and, Chile as a Zone of Peace
-02/16/99   Joint Presidential Declaration Between Argentina and Chile on Confidence- and Security-Building
-11/29/98   Third Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas: Declaration of Cartagena
-11/06/97   Declaration by the Presidents of Central America and the Dominican Republic and the Representative of the Prime Minister of Belize to Not Procure Strategic High-Tech Weapons, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and Costly Weapons
-10/07/96   Second Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas: Declaration of San Carlos De Bariloche
-02/26/96   The Central American Democratic Security Treaty
-12/15/95   Framework Treaty on Democratic Security in Central America (1995)
-07/24/95   Background on the First Defense Ministerial of the Americas
-07/24/95   First Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas: The Williamsburg Principles
-09/05/91   The Declaration of Mendoza


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