A Leader in the Making

With AAUW's help, a young woman pursues her dream. More »

Maureen Evans
2013 Host Committee Chair Deborah Freda all decked out aboard a Mardi Gras float.
AAUW Convention »

Meet the 2013
Host Committee

AAUW’s Convention Host Committee shares their stories of the real New Orleans. More »

December 11, 2012

Students at the 2012 NCCWSL Graduate School Fair.

Calling All
Graduate Programs

Recruit from more than 600 of America's brightest and best soon-to-be graduates. More »

December 10, 2012

With so much at stake in the budget debate, we’ll be breaking down the details of the impending across-the-board cuts in a series called "Budget 101."
Public Policy »

Avoiding the
Fiscal Cliff

You’ve heard about it in the news. Here’s our take. More »

December 6, 2012

Marion Talbot
AAUW History »

Celebrating 131
Years of AAUW

Listen to Marion Talbot recount the story of AAUW’s first meeting in 1881. More »

November 30, 2012

AAUW shopping bags
Membership »

Holiday shop and support AAUW!

Your member benefits earn you discounts and support AAUW. More »

November 30, 2012

The research watch party panelists.
Research »

Experts Discuss Wage Gap and Student Debt

Watch AAUW's panel discussion of two issues facing American women. More »

December 4, 2012

Stay up-to-date on news and information from AAUW.

It's My Vote Campaign Update (December 13)

The latest update on the It's My Vote voter education campaign. More »

Urge Congress to to Find a Balanced Approach to the Avoiding the "Fiscal Cliff"

Tell your members of Congress that we need a balanced deficit reduction approach that does not include further cuts to critical programs. More »

Take Action! Tell Congress
to Pass VAWA Now!

Make clear that passing the VAWA reauthorization should be at the top of their to-do list. More »

AAUW Funds Projects to Address Pay Gap

The campus-based projects will be guided by AAUW's report on student loan debt. More »

Persistent Pay Gap Affects Women Just One Year
Out of College

New report shows that women are paid only 82 cents to men's dollar. More »

Settlement in LAF-Supported Title IX Suit

Case paves way for fairer treatment of girls' sports in Indiana. More »

AAUW Applauds Recent Decision in Dukes v. Wal-Mart

Federal court to hear Legal Advocacy Fund-supported pay equity case. More »

Affirmative Action Case Goes before Supreme Court

AAUW urges the court to uphold affirmative action in college admissions. More »

More Veterans Speak Out about Sexual Assault

Another Legal Advocacy Fund-supported lawsuit has been filed in federal court. More »

Call for Candidates

Apply by March 1 for appointment to our 2013–2015 Board of Directors. More »

Read AAUW Dialog, a blog commited to dialogue, information, and advocacy. Get up-to-date information about what's important to AAUW in 140 characters or less.

2013 Convention

Join us June 9–12 in New Orleans for the 2013 AAUW National Convention.

Learn more »

Member Benefits

Save money on your next prescription refill! AAUW's RX:Cut benefit now available.

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Women's History