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Slide Presentation from the AHRQ 2007 Annual Conference

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What are the High Performance Medicine Initiatives?

Text Description is below the image.


  • 1. Investing in quality and utilization infrastructure
    • Information systems applications
    • Informatics Infrastructure (data, knowledge, services)

There is a two-way arrow running along the left-hand side of the text below. On top of the arrow it says Quality, and on the bottom of the arrow it is labeled Efficiency. To the left of the arrow is the phrase "Initiative Focus" running sideways along the arrow.

  • Enhancing patient safety by reducing medication errors system-wide
  • Enhancing uniform high quality by measuring performance to benchmark for select inpatient and outpatient conditions
  • Expanding disease management programs by supporting activities for certain patients with chronic illnesses
  • Improving cost effectiveness through managing utilization trends and analysis of variance

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care