Ocean Science 2007 Archive

October/November/December 2007 (2,846kb PDF)

  • Diving Deeper: Celebrating 25 Years of Science and Technology
  • A View of the Unknown - MMS Unlocks the Secrets of the Ocean Floor
  • Minerals Management Service Conducts 250th Unannounced Oil-Spill Drill in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Ohmsett Reaches Milestone - Oil-Spill Research Flows for 15 Years
  • Gas Hydrates Present a Challenging Opportunity
  • MMS Milestones - 25 Years of Highlights
  • A Quarter Century - Partnership Initiatives Shape the MMS Family Tree
  • From the Start - MMS and Environmental Studies
  • Arctic Advances - Managing the Arctic Becomes More Sophisticated
  • The "Pros" of the Environmental Studies Program
  • New Waves - Late-Breaking News & Information

July/August/September 2007 (2,236kb PDF)

  • Exploring New Frontiers of Knowledge
  • Less Ice, More Water
  • Protecting the Living Ice
  • Finding History in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Featured Study - Exploring in the Alaskan Frontier
  • New Depths, New possibilities - Deepwater Interest Renewed in the GOM
  • Home Sweet Home - Invertebrates Thrive Under Platforms
  • Technology and Assessment Research - Cool New projects for Alaska
  • International Oil & Ice Workshop - Cold Region Research
  • Exploring the Deep - Expedition to the Deep Slope 2007
  • MMS Projects High Production Number in the Gulf of Mexico
  • New Waves - Late-Breaking News & Information

April/May/June 2007 (1,758kb PDF)

  • Adapting to Change . . . Safely
  • Adaptive - Furthering the MMS Mission
  • New Technology - 3D Images Allow Scientists to "See" the Future
  • Sacrificial Anodes - Managing Aging Pipelines
  • Technical Assessment and Research Program - Helping to Make the OCS Safer Through TAR
  • BOP-ing the Gusher - Preventing Blowouts
  • Step by Step - Dealing with Hurricanes in the OCS
  • Stability Through Flexibility - Compliant Towers
  • New Loop Current Information - Better Data Means Less Stress
  • New Waves - Late-Breaking News & Information

January/February/March 2007 (1,274kb PDF)

  • MMS's Expanding and Evolving Mission
  • MMS' Role Spans Decades - 25th Anniversary
  • Gulf of Mexico Region - A Balance of Protection and Production
  • Pacific Region - Managing and Strengthening Partnerships
  • Atlantic OCS - A New Energy Source?
  • MMS Online - Educating the Next Generation
  • The OAP and NOPP - An evolution of coordination and leadership in ocean sciences and resource management
  • Using Data in our Plans for the Future
  • Celebrating the Polar Caps - International Polar Year
  • Prestigious Robert Avent Medal - Awarded to Dr. Tom Ahlfeld
  • Research and Results - Current Turmoil
  • New Waves - Late-Breaking News & Information

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