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Alphabetical index of categories: D

a b c D e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Number of information resources is shown in parentheses after each term.

total maximum daily load -> TMDL (2) dairies -> agricultural sites (5) fire damage (5) beaver dams -> habitats (2) dams -> dam sites (8) sub-surface dams -> dam sites (8) dam sites (8) bathymetry data -> bathymetry (25) data -> datasets (273) digital cartographic data -> geospatial datasets (115) geospatial data -> geospatial datasets (115) real-time data -> real-time monitoring and reporting (174) remote-sensing data (25) -> remote sensing WITH image collections streamflow data (81) -> streamflow WITH datasets water-quality data (83) -> water quality WITH datasets cartographic data (digital) -> geospatial datasets (115) data archiving -> data preservation (3) databases -> datasets (273) data collection facilities (1) data communication (2) data curation -> data management (5) data downloading -> data services (28) data integration (2) data management (5) data preservation (3) data rescue (2) data services (28) datasets (273) digital cartographic datasets -> geospatial datasets (115) geographic information system (GIS) datasets -> geospatial datasets (115) geospatial datasets (115) GIS datasets -> geospatial datasets (115) hydrographic datasets (106) time series datasets (6) improvement of scientific data usability (1) argon-argon dating -> radiometric dating (12) carbon dating -> carbon-14 analysis (2) fission-track dating (4) K-Ar dating -> potassium-argon analysis (1) lead-210 dating -> radiometric dating (12) luminescence dating (3) optically-stimulated luminescence dating -> luminescence dating (3) radiocarbon dating -> carbon-14 analysis (2) radiometric dating (12) thermoluminescence dating -> luminescence dating (3) TL/OSL dating -> luminescence dating (3) tritium-helium dating -> tritium analysis (2) age dating (fission-track) -> fission-track dating (4) age dating (radiometric) -> radiometric dating (12) age dating (tree ring) -> tree ring analysis (1) dating methods -> age estimation methods (6) horizontal datums -> map coordinate systems (3) vertical datums -> map coordinate systems (3) debris avalanches -> landslides (27) debris flows -> landslides (27) deciduous forest ecosystems -> forest ecosystems (23) decision support methods (12) decomposers (1) organic decomposition -> biogeochemical cycling (13) decomposition (organic) -> biogeochemical cycling (13) deep sea fisheries -> marine fishery resources (3) deep sea fishing -> marine fishery resources (3) deformation (geologic) (10) degradation products (chemical) -> pesticide and herbicide contamination (23) deltas (4) maps on demand -> sales and distribution services (15) water demand -> water supply and demand (79) water supply and demand (79) demilitarized zones -> administrative areas (8) culture and demographics (27) demographics -> culture and demographics (27) demonstration areas -> reserves (5) dendroecology (4) -> ecosystem monitoring WITH vegetation density flow -> sediment transport (46) dependent political entities -> political areas (1) mineral deposit areas (76) salt deposit areas -> mineral deposit areas (76) acid deposition (6) acidic deposition -> acid deposition (6) atmospheric dust deposition -> atmospheric deposition (chemical & particulate) (9) dust deposition -> sedimentation (30) atmospheric deposition (chemical & particulate) (9) atmospheric deposition (chemical and particulate) -> atmospheric deposition (chemical & particulate) (9) deposition (sediment) -> sedimentation (30) placer deposit mining (1) clay deposits (1) gravel deposits (3) rocks and deposits (143) sand deposits (4) surficial deposits -> unconsolidated deposits (20) unconsolidated deposits (20) ore deposits (metallic) -> metallic ores (23) ore deposits (non-metallic) -> nonmetallic mineral resources (12) depots -> buildings (12) fuel depots -> transportation features (4) icecap depressions -> ice masses (8) sonar depth-sounding -> sonar methods (27) depth-to maps (2) -> structure contours WITH maps and atlases cadastral and legal land descriptions (1) legal land descriptions -> cadastral and legal land descriptions (1) desert ecosystems (12) desertification (5) deserts (10) rock deserts -> deserts (10) sandy deserts -> deserts (10) stony deserts -> deserts (10) information system design and development (41) instrument design and development (30) habitat destruction -> habitat alteration (12) detection (chemical) -> chemical analysis (55) LIght Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) -> LIDAR (16) radiometric age determination -> radiometric dating (12) application development -> software development (1) information system design and development (41) instrument design and development (30) knowledge organization system development (2) markup and query language development (1) metadata development (5) ontology development -> knowledge organization system development (2) organism growth and development (8) software development (1) standards development (8) tool development -> instrument design and development (30) web service development (1) cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs) -> partnerships (36) developmental biology (2) diadromous fish (4) -> migratory species WITH fish diagenesis (1) diatomite mines -> mine sites (15) diatoms (4) x-ray diffraction (1) digital cartographic data -> geospatial datasets (115) digital cartographic datasets -> geospatial datasets (115) digital cartography -> cartography (67) digital curation -> data management (5) digital line graphs -> geospatial datasets (115) dimension stone -> building stone resources (4) dinoflagellates (1) dinosaurs (3) cattle dipping tanks -> agricultural sites (5) interdisciplinary directorates -> mission directorates (7) mission directorates (7) multidisciplinary directorates -> mission directorates (7) directories (6) disasters -> hazards (157) river discharge -> stream discharge (15) stream discharge (15) river discharge monitoring -> field inventory and monitoring (375) stream discharge monitoring -> stream discharge (15) science discipline offices (3) chronic wasting disease (3) disease -> health and disease (76) health and disease (76) human disease -> environmental health (human) (26) wildlife disease (19) disease (human) -> environmental health (human) (26) zoonotic diseases (6) disease vectors (6) dispensaries (medical) -> medical facilities (2) dispersal (organisms) (2) sewage disposal -> waste treatment and disposal (22) waste treatment and disposal (22) disposal sites (2) refuse disposal sites -> disposal sites (2) waste disposal sites -> disposal sites (2) dissertations -> reports (105) dissolution -> erosion (45) dissolved constituents -> water quality (314) dissolved contaminants -> water quality (314) dissolved gases (4) dissolved metals (2) dissolved organic compounds (6) dissolved oxygen -> oxygen content (water) (12) distilleries -> industrial sites (2) distributaries -> streams (85) animal distribution -> biogeography (69) plant distribution -> biogeography (69) species distribution -> biogeography (69) species distribution maps (12) -> maps and atlases WITH biogeography distribution of animals -> biogeography (69) distribution of plants -> biogeography (69) distribution of species -> biogeography (69) sales and distribution services (15) districts -> administrative areas (8) lake districts -> land regions (11) biological diversity -> biodiversity (22) ecosystem diversity (3) genetic diversity (3) species diversity (5) diversity (biological) -> biodiversity (22) administrative divisions -> administrative areas (8) countries, 2nd order divisions (1) divisions -> science discipline offices (3) judicial divisions -> countries, 2nd order divisions (1) second-order administrative divisions -> countries, 2nd order divisions (1) DLG -> geospatial datasets (115) DNA sequencing (8) docking basins -> harbors (4) docks -> piers (1) dry docks -> harbors (4) dock yards -> harbors (4) dockyards -> harbors (4) documents -> reports (105) text documents -> reports (105) icecap domes -> ice masses (8) domestic water use (10) acoustic doppler current profiler -> acoustic doppler current profiling (2) acoustic doppler current profiling (2) doppler radar imaging (2) data downloading -> data services (28) dowsing -> natural resource exploration (11) mine drainage (10) drainage basins (56) drawbridges -> bridges (2) drawdown -> water use (50) dredging (1) continental drift -> tectonic processes (20) well drilling (4) drilling and coring (20) drinking water -> drinking water use (4) drinking water use (4) drives -> roadways (2) droughts (31) dry docks -> harbors (4) dry lakes -> lakes (33) dry stream beds -> streams (85) dumps -> disposal sites (2) mine dumps -> disposal sites (2) dunes (5) atmospheric dust deposition -> atmospheric deposition (chemical & particulate) (9) dust deposition -> sedimentation (30) dust transport -> sediment transport (46) Dy -> dysprosium (5) dykes (geologic) -> volcanic features (50) dynamic geology -> tectonic processes (20) fluid dynamics -> hydrodynamics (3) population dynamics (35) trophic level dynamics -> food web (3) dysprosium (5)

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