Frequently Asked Questions

What is ScienceLab?
ScienceLab is a web-based gateway unifying thousands of Federal science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education resources for the Department of Energy (DOE). Users can access Federal STEM education resources from a single query, comment, and rate material using social networking capabilities. In addition, all resources are automatically tagged by average grade level. Content includes homework help, activities, lesson plans, curricula, and information relating to professional development.
What makes ScienceLab unique for DOE?
ScienceLab virtually integrates the STEM education resources from across DOE and makes them every-word searchable via a single query. The unique benefits of ScienceLab include:
  1. One-stop access to DOE’s education content.
    Users no longer need to know which lab offers the educational resource they need or know the web address of any lab’s collection.
    Users do not need to individually search education collections at each DOE lab; nor do they need to sort through multiple hit lists from the labs. Using ScienceLab, users can discover relevant education resources at a particular lab , then “click through” and reach the source or the material.
  2. Grade level stratification.
    Users will not need to sift through results to narrow by an applicable grade range.
    The determination of grade-level appropriateness of STEM content is identified and placed into average grade ranges. See How are grade levels determined? What are learning levels? Users can sort findings accordingly, which helps save time in determining content appropriate for their needs.
  3. Social interaction and community focus.
    ScienceLab is more than a place to get STEM education resources and information. Using social networking capabilities, users can share first-hand comments and ratings of the STEM education resources offered by DOE.
    Through rating and commenting, users can interact and share their ideas and thoughts with other users.
Can anyone use ScienceLab?
Yes, the site is available for use by the public at two levels.   While it is designed for students in mind, teachers and the public will find it useful because of its content and ease of use. Any user is free to search the site and use the the materials. The user also has the benefit of relevancy ranking of the materials, and filtering results. Non-registered users comment or rate resources.
How does Science Lab work?

ScienceLab is an online STEM education tool that virtually integrates DOE online educational materials to make them searchable via a single query. ScienceLab provides grade-appropriate search results (kindergarten through college, with an emphasis on K-12) by stratifying resources by average grade level and resource type. While Science Lab is designed for elementary, middle, and high school students, its search results are useful for a diverse audience (students, teachers, parents). Further, the site offers the ability to find types of resources (e.g. games and activities) quickly, and offers age-oriented pages that are gearded toward elementary, middle, and high school students.
Users are encouraged to participate by adding comments and rating resources.

How does commenting work?

Registered users, i.e., members, may comment on resources found at ScienceLab. Comments by users of the site, such as educators, parents, and students, help ensure credibility of materials.

To address concerns of accuracy and bias, guidelines are accepted when a user becomes a member by registering. Comments will be reviewed against these guidelines to ensure that comments are appropriate. Users can rate material and will be encouraged to write a comment relative to each rating.

How are grade levels determined? What are learning levels?
Grade levels are assigned based on the author of the content, and how they have assigned a grade. Learning levels, on the other hand, are determined using learning level stratification, a technology resulting from a DOE Small Business and Innovative Research (SBIR) grant. This research resulted in development of a classification tool that determines grade-level appropriateness of STEM topics through comparison with state education standards. Using this learning level stratification tool, ScienceLab resources are examined and an estimated grade range is assigned to each. This helps users know the grade appropriateness of the resource they have found.
Who is responsible for the ScienceLab resources?
Each DOE program or laboratory is responsible for keeping content up to date.